Want To Live Longer? Here are Seven Easy-To-Apply Tips

Want To Live Longer

A long, healthy, and happy life is something that most – if not all – of us readily aspire to achieve. For many, making necessary lifestyle and dietary changes to help ensure that it happens is something that may come as second nature. For others, it may be easier to simply continue to live our everyday lives as-is, without taking any real action.

However, living a long life is more than just making a conscious effort to try to work toward it. It’s also a combination of genetics, environmental factors, and even our mental health. If you’ve been feeling concerned about your own likelihood of living a long and full life, but you’re not quite sure where to begin, then here are a few guidelines to help:

1. Engage In Regular Exercise

Side view of sportive young fit woman in sportswear doing stretching

When it comes to staying healthy at all ages, its wise to not overlook the importance of staying physically active. Research has indicated that exercise not only helps make it easier to stay lean and trim, but it can also help reduce stress and improve cardiovascular health. Even gentle exercise, like walking around your block for a half hour or more per day, can make a significant difference. 

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

Your diet is also a powerful variable when it comes to living a longer life. Reaching for foods that are high in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals and antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help ward off some of the more common diseases of aging. You should also strive to eat ample lean protein and healthy fats, and avoid overly processed or nutritionally-empty foods. 

3. Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

Youngster confronted to cigarettes.

Both tobacco products and excessive alcohol have been shown to have detrimental effects on your well-being. Sadly, smoking has been shown to increase the risk of developing lung cancer, and people who do smoke are up to thirty times more likely to be diagnosed with it. Moderate alcohol usage may not necessarily be harmful, but overuse can also increase your chances of complications. 

4. Keep Your Mind Sharp

It’s not just your diet and your lifestyle that can have a strong influence on your longevity. According to studies, people who continuously challenge their minds are more likely to live longer lives. Reading books, enjoying puzzles, and even engaging in regular travel are all fantastic ways to help keep your brain healthy. 

5. Build Lasting Relationships

group of friends

In addition to keeping your brain active and engaged, you also want to make sure that you have a strong social network, too. Research has indicated that people who have friends and close-knit loved ones nearby, and interact with them often, are also more likely to live longer. If you tend to be more introverted, staying connected on social media is also a great way to help forge and keep positive relationships. 

6. Look At Alternative Therapies

While conventional medicine has worked wonders in allowing us to increase our overall lifespans, it’s not the only way you can help enjoy a longer life. Learning about alternative therapies, such as those found on, can offer great hope. The Klotho protein has been linked with a longer lifespan and fewer diseases of aging, making it a promising option for continued research. 

7. Make Your Health a Priority

medical appointment

In addition to maintaining an open mind about other treatment options for a longer life, you also want to stay on top of your regular medical appointments, too. Many medical conditions can actually be treated if found early, but you need to stay on top of your doctor’s appointments in order to catch them in time. The sooner you get a diagnosis, the better the outcome you’re likely to have.

Are You Living Your Best Life?

We all have different goals in life, and as we advance in age, it’s understandable to notice a shift in your priorities. Nevertheless, it’s important to not become complacent. By making sure you are proactive about avoiding illness, looking into alternative treatments, and keeping your mind sharp and your friends nearby, you can make sure you are taking all the steps you can to stay healthy. 

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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