Understanding Vitamin injections and IV drips


You know it’s important to get your daily dose of vitamins. So much so, that many people take a multivitamin, in case they’re unable to consume the recommended daily dose through food alone. But what if you wanted to up your vitamin game? Vitamin injections are changing the game of nutrition. Here’s how.

Vitamin Injections and Vitamin IV Drips

Vitamin-injections-and-IV-dripsThis practice is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Various vitamins are injected directly into a person’s bloodstream via a single injection or an IV drip. This is done to achieve instant results, meaning an instant boost in energy and feelings of alertness and overall well-being. Because the vitamins completely bypass the digestive system, patients are receiving a highly concentrated dose of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

B12 injections are most common among elderly individuals, those with digestive complications, anemia or practicing vegetarians and vegans. All of these individuals may be lacking essential B12 in their diet. This essential vitamin is responsible for helping the body make DNA, as well as keep nerve and blood cells healthy. The body’s level of B12 impacts most metabolic and hormonal functions. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Metabolic conversion of proteins and fats
  • Coating nerves
  • Producing hormones
  • Fetal development (during pregnancy)
  • Synthesizing hemoglobin

In total, B12 is responsible for nearly 100 bodily functions.


Not only are vitamin injections and IV drops said to boost energy and deliver a dose of vitamins directly to your system, but they have also been attributed to weight loss and glowing, youthful skin. Vitamin injections may also treat other medical conditions. Because the use of injections is relatively new, they are not used specifically as medical treatment but instead are being tested for their potential benefits.

Treat Depression and Memory Disorders


B12 injections may help patients maintain a healthy memory and strengthen their mental functions. Because vitamin injections boost a person’s energy, an elevation in their positive mood may also be a positive side effect.

Weight Loss

Because B12 is heavily involved in the body’s metabolic functions, it’s no big surprise that injections may actually help patients lose weight. If you’re experiencing an underactive metabolism, unrelated to your thyroid, vitamin B12 shots may help get things moving more quickly. The effect B12 shots have on hormones may also have positive effects for weight loss including changes in appetite, more energy for exercising, and improved sleep.

Improved Heart Health

chest pain

B12 is responsible for converting an important amino acid in the body known as homocysteine. Increased levels of this hormone can lead to heart complications and greater risk for heart disease. Injections may actually help the body function properly when it comes to converting homocysteine and help prevent heart related complications like stroke, heart disease, and even heart attack.

Overall Well-Being

Other bodily functions that may be positively affected by the use of B12 injections include the healthy appearance of a person’s hair, nails, and skin. B12 is said to improve male sperm count and assist in fetal development during pregnancy. People suffering from diabetic neuropathy may also see improvements from the use of B12 injections. If you’re experiencing muscle weakness, B12 injections can help reduce this fatigue. B12 treats anemia and therefore help convert macronutrients and boost the production of creatine.

Signs You Need Vitamin Injections


Understanding the benefits of vitamin injections is one thing but it’s also important to understand the signs and symptoms that you’re suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Even if you believe that you are eating a well-rounded diet rich in vitamins, including B12, your body may not absorb the vitamins efficiently. This is due to lower than normal levels of something known as the intrinsic factor, a type of glycoprotein that combines with vitamin B12 in the stomach to aid in absorption.

Here are a few other signs that you might be in need of additional B12.

  • Digestive issues/poor appetite
  • Muscle soreness/aches/fatigue
  • Cognitive issues (impaired memory/concentration)
  • Shortness of breath/dizziness
  • Poor dental health
  • Mood swings (irritability/depression/anxiety)

Of course, these symptoms may be caused by a long list of other health conditions, so before opting for vitamin injections, consult with your physician.

Risk Factors

Some individuals are at more risk for B12 deficiency than others. This is based on age, genetics, and overall health. Here are a few other factors that may put you at greater risk for B12 deficiency.

  • Genetic inability to properly absorb B12. This is due to a lack of necessary stomach acids which help in B12 vitamin absorption in the body.
  • Old age
  • Having any of the following medical conditions – autoimmune disease, intestinal disorders
  • Vegetarians and vegans often lack sufficient B12 in their diets due to lack of meat-based proteins such as beef and poultry.
  • Certain medications can reduce the body’s production of stomach acids needed for B12 absorption

The Logistics

Vitamin injections are often given by prescription only, which means you’ll need to discuss the decisions with your doctor before proceeding. Injections are given in the patient’s muscle tissue. This is normally done on a monthly basis but may be needed more or less often depending on individual need.

If you think you’re lacking in sufficient vitamins, discuss your condition with your doctor. Vitamin injections or an IV drip may be right for you.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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