DIY Health Popular

Executive function disorder: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Executive function pertains to our brain and its ability to analyze, plan, organize, schedule and accomplish tasks. When the brain fails to perform the above operations owing to some damage or underdevelopment, the person suffers from executive function disorder (EFD).

Executive function disorder

5 cool exercises to get rid of armpit flab

Armpit flab, which is also mockingly termed as “bingo wings” or “bat wings”, develops with age. More than men, women are prone to acquire armpit flab once they cross forty. This causes a lot of embarrassment when they wave their hands in a sleeve

get rid of armpit flab

Stott Pilates workouts for men and women to get into shape

Stott Pilates aims at achieving optimum musculus-skeletal performance and helps realign the curves of the body. It helps one regain body-shape and maintain a good posture along with providing a string of health benefits and relieving tensions. It helps bu


Yoga asanas in times of excessive bleeding in menstruation

For many women around the world, menstrual cycle or periods as is commonly referred to the process is a painful experience which they had to bear every month. Some women may be lucky to escape the pain but a large number of women are victims of the excruc


6 amazing breathing exercises to get rid of bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis is the permanent damage of the airways (bronchial tubes) which carry air in and out of the lungs. When lungs are infected and the walls of bronchial tubes are injured, the airways become choked with mucus. In this condition your airways


9 Reiki routines to fight depression

Basically, depression is the state of being powerless, desperate and hopeless. It is a state in which a person feels dreadful to cope with his or her life. Some common symptoms of depression are increased need to sleep or insomnia, fatigue, unreasonable s

fight depression.j

9 strategies to avoid diarrhea in summer

Diarrhea can hit anybody at any point of time which is both embarrassing as well as painful. Especially during summers, one has to be extra cautious as in the scorching hot weather conditions diarrhea hits mainly infants, children and younger people as a

avoid diarrhea in summer
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