Home Remedies

Home remedies for skin tan

Soft, supple, smooth, silky -these are the adjectives used to describe our skin. Imagine such a silky-soft ,”peaches and cream” skin tanned and tarnished by the harsh glare of the sun? In this age of harsh chemical cosmetics and rigorous salon procedures,

Causes and home remedies for dark circles

Eyes are considered to be the most prominent feature of a face. Hence, any factor which tends to affect the beauty of your eyes, will definitely affect the beauty of your face too. Of the many factors which dim the natural beauty of the eyes, the issue of

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Girls who suffer from yeast infection listen here a while. Do you know the reason behind this particular vaginal infection? If you come to know about the causes and symptoms behind it, then you can take the suitable countermeasures and home remedies

Home remedies for dizziness

Dizziness refers to a general feeling of disequilibrium or instability. Dizziness can roughly be categorized into two forms, vertiginous (sensation of spinning or having one’s surroundings spin around them due to phobia of height) and general lightheadedn

Home remedies for skin rashes

Everybody dreams of having a beautiful and flawless skin. But in reality, there are many factors which can spoil your dream of having a perfect skin. Skin rashes are one such problem which trouble a lot many people across the world. This unsightly conditi

Causes and home remedies for bone spurs

Bones are the building blocks of the body. They are the frameworks on which a human body stands. Therefore, health care regime should always include certain steps that aim at promoting health of the bones. Moreover, people with strong bones are always con

Home remedies for Anemia

Do you constantly feel sluggish and at the end of your energy levels? Do you look pale and suffer from frequent leg cramps, sleeplessness and headaches? If so, then consult your doctor, because there is a high chance that you might be suffering from anemi

Tonsillitis: 10 Home remedies

Tonsils are tissues that are found above the tongue on either sides of the throat and are a part of the body’s immune system. They help fight infections against bacteria and viruses. When a bacteria or a virus contaminate the tonsils, it results in swe

10 Home remedies for allergies

Allergy is the quick reaction of the body when it gets in contact with some foreign particle. When there is alteration in the tissue and body reaction after some kind of exposure to an allergen it is said to an allergy. A person can be allergic to pollens

10 home remedies for tired eyes

When eyes are working the whole day, they get tired and they need rest to relax and get rid of the strain. With the increasing usage of computers and TV, our eyes have to spend a lot of time in front of the screens that radiate rays that are harmful to ou

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