Healthy Living Guide

11 Taekwondo routines to get six pack abs

Bulging abs are a problem for many. No matter how many different workouts you try, positive results are hard to achieve. There may be reduction in waistline while following some strict diet regime and workouts, but getting that ripped six pack abs remai

9 Leg mobilization workouts for runners – advanced level

According to most of the physical trainers, warm-ups and mobilization exercises for runners are more important than the actual exercise regime. In other words if you are a runner your primary focus should be on mobilization exercises rather than other fit

9 Highly effective power yoga asanas

Power yoga involves a variety of yoga asanas which help in making your life healthier and stronger. The term power shows the intensity in the type of poses involved in power yoga. Yoga is something special that you do to enhance your life. It can be done

11 Tai chi exercises to get you a sizzling hot body

Tai Chi as is practiced today can be described as a combination of moving form of yoga and meditation. Most of the movements of Tai Chi are derived from the martial arts that have their roots in the natural movements of birds and animals. The movements of

9 Wackiest workouts you should try this summer

Gone are the days when there were limited options available for a good workout like organized sports, dance classes or jazz exercises. Several new and crazy types of workouts which became popular in the recent past are now being practiced across the world

Most effective Japanese holistic health exercises

Japanese people are globally popular for exercising holistically. These exercises integrate traditional Japanese breathing, stretching, strengthening and relaxation techniques since these are efficaciously regarded as the time-tested exercises. These ar

Debunking 9 most popular weight training myths for women

Walk into any gym and you will commonly see men all busy in the weight room while women are working hard on the cardio equipment. Why do so many women prefer cardio over weight training? Because of the several popular myths and fears surrounding weight tr

9 Extreme squatting workouts for runners

Most people think that running speed is improved by focusing on running training only. But, it is not true. If you are a basketball player, a cricketer, a football player, a distance runner, a sprinter or anyone else, who wants long and fast running, then

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