Faster Recovery from Tooth Removal

Tooth Removal

Tooth extraction is recommended for people with an infection in the form of tooth decay or swelling. Other causes for tooth extraction include crowding. Though the procedure is safe, it is important to inform the dentist of your full medical history including the supplements and medications you are taking and your risk of developing an infection. Failure to share such information with the doctor may affect your recovery.

After tooth removal, the doctor will dismiss you and you can recover from home. Typically, recovery should last a few days. To reduce discomfort and speed the recovery process, follow these tips.

Tips for faster recovery after tooth extraction

Quit smoking.

  • Bite the gauze pad on the area gently to stop bleeding. It is advisable to change the gauze pads before they are soaked with blood
  • Take medications as prescribed
  • Use ice on the affected area after the procedure to prevent swelling
  • Rinse your mouth every 24 hours with salt water. Salt is used to make the solution isotonic, which is less irritating than water as it is similar to tissue fluid
  • Do not rinse or spit forcefully within the next 24 hours to avoid dislodging the clot as you might bleed further or get an infection
  • Limit activities for at least three days after the extraction
  • Avoid smoking as it might inhibit the healing process. The chemicals in cigarettes affect the clot
  • To recover from tooth removal, avoid solid foods. Eat soft foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, and soup. Gradually progress to solid foods as the site heals
  • Do not lie flat as you could bleed more. Instead, support your head with a pillow
  • Avoid the site as you brush your teeth

When to raise an alarm

Tooth-and-Mouth-PainIt is normal to swell, feel soreness and discomfort after the anesthesia wears off. After 24 hours, residual bleeding might occur. Pain can be reduced by painkillers given by the dentist or over the counter painkillers. Avoid taking Aspirin since it is a blood thinner. It will prevent or delay clotting, therefore, preventing faster recovery. Here are some of the red flags you should look out for and contact the dentist immediately.

  • Severe pain or bleeding for more than four hours after the procedure
  • Common signs of an infection such as fever
  • Excess swelling or discharge from the site
  • Severe vomiting, coughing or nausea

Normally, the site should be totally healed within seven to ten days. If it is taking longer than that, you should contact your dentist. A new bone and tissue is expected to grow over the affected area. Note that the missing tooth can cause the other teeth to shift, which may affect chewing and biting.


After tooth extraction, all you want is to heal faster and get back to your normal routine. To recover from tooth removal you should handle the area gently. Take care of the site by avoiding pocking or suckling it. It will feel different and weird for the first days, but you will get used to it with time.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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