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Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

Nutrition for your eyes

Your eyes are the mirror of your health. Healthy eyes that look bright and lustrous can be easily spotted and admired too. But have you wondered what’s behind those healthy eyes? Definitely not make over. It is the health that comes from within. You can

Cardiac health tests

Cardiac health tests With heart diseases on the rise, it is difficult to keep yourself out of the way. It is not safe to ignore the heart health even when young. It is no longer a disease meant for the old people. It is most advisable to keep a check on

Testicular self exam

self exam

Testicular examination is mostly a part of a general
check-up in case of a male. This is done as a routine practice to detect any
abnormalities at the early stages and take the necessary action. While this is
done by the physician, y

How to check for anemia

How to check for anemia Anemia is a common condition but can be risky if not diagnosed in time. There are many causes of anemia and out of which blood loss anemia is more common. It can occur in disorders that cause loss of blood, for example, piles or u

Checking for skin cancer

Checking for skin cancer Skin can look beautiful from the exterior but there are many factors that can make it unhealthy from within. You must be aware of the fact that that direct sun rays, various cosmetics and exposure to pollutants and radiations can

Breast Self Examination

Breast Self Examination In the era of managing health yourself there are more opportunities for you to take control of your health. Being worried and anxious about your personal health and private concerns is now replaced by being informed and well-aware

Why is Health Insurance Important?

Even though life insurance, auto and home insurance segments are booming throughout the world, a lot of people skip getting health insurance since they don’t find health care covers as immediately beneficial as other risk covers. However, health insuran

DIY health for men

While men always remain busy with their daily schedules, DIY health tests can help them keep updated about their health without having to undergo any difficulty. Specific ailments related to men’s health are on the rise and these tests can be of great h

DIY is the future

While suffering from an ailment, you might have secretly wished that you could find what your suffering is and the cause of it. Not only this, taking a step ahead you might have wondered to know the way in which it can be cured and ways to prevent it from

General home health tests

People often wish to be able to know the presence of disease by performing simple tests. Also, if the tests can be done at home there is nothing like it. Hence, for the benefit of today’s consumer there are many home tests available, which can be conve

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