You’ve heard of it – but what is it? Introducing multiple sclerosis

Introducing multiple sclerosis

Autoimmune diseases are complex and diverse, they are still very hard to diagnose and are often misdiagnosed. In fact, it can even take several years to properly ascertain what exactly you may be living with. Some autoimmune diseases cause others, so the domino effect needs to be traced back and the best route cause can be dealt with correctly. Essentially an autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immune system starts to attack its own self and break the body down. This can happen to either targeted organs or to the whole body. Unfortunately, most are difficult to treat and much of it becomes trial and error, simple to deal with removing or minimizing the symptoms

What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis AwarenessThe cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of both environmental and genetic factors which cannot be predicted. But what is multiple sclerosis you ask? In short, it is a chronic condition that can affect different people differently. It impacts on the central nervous system which is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, optic nerves and other axons and dendrites that run throughout the human body.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary widely. The amount of damage done to the nerves is what affects the degree to which the symptoms are experienced. The reality of living with multiple sclerosis could become as severe as not being able to walk. It may also be possible that the disease goes into a long period of remission where the symptoms are minimal and only lingering and no new symptoms are experienced.

The progress of the disease the severity of the symptoms and the specific signs are difficult to predict. So far, statistics show very little information that can help us and the diagnosed age ranges vastly from between twenty and fifty. The occurrence of diagnosis in females is roughly two or even three times higher than the occurrence in men.

Reach out to others

Reach out to othersAsk your doctor or friends for reliable websites or blogs that you can go to and learn more about the disorder. There are communities of people, associations, and people who have lived with or experienced a loved one living with multiple sclerosis.

Alternative ways to approach this disease

There are also several alternative ways to manage or reduce symptoms. Before going down this path, find reports, blogs, results of real people who have tried these and have had positive outcomes. Also, know though that what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. Or sometimes, it will work for a while, but then you will need to adapt or change your approach if different symptoms appear. So, the process is ongoing and coming to terms with that is also a valuable part of the journey.

The psychological impact

psychological impactThere is a significant emotional impact of the disease that mustn’t be overlooked or brushed aside. Depression is a common denominator of living with chronic illness. Support groups for family members also exist as very often the spouse, children, parents, and other close family experience periphery struggles and are important for this to be acknowledged too.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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