Mental Health Guide

How can I back to reality after smoking king krypto?

Well, I smoked king krypto, the herbal incense on Sept 7 at night, the effects were that of Salvia, I felt my heart rate increase and my cheeks get numbed from time to time. I feel like my mind is in two places at once. What is this king krypto? I can get

Health mythbuster: Coffee is the cure for hangover

The mythDrinking coffee, and lots of it, is an excellent way to get over hangovers. Whatever be the booze consumed at night, appropriate amounts of coffee in the morning will clear it all and make you as fresh as before. The originCoffee has traditionally

Health mythbuster: Alcohol will help you sleep

There are people who believe that alcohol has a deep relationship with sleep. They advocate that alcohol acts as an effective catalyst in inducing sound sleep. They believe that alcohol distresses the strained nerves and brain, which eventually cause slee

4 Household activities to relieve stress

Stress is one aspect of life not liked by anyone. It is an uninvited guest, impossible to be thrown out of your life. Every human being has to face stress creating situations in life. If not dealt with properly it can leave terrible effects on mental and

Can diet make a difference to ADHD?

ADHD is a problem that affects kids as well as adults. While it is immediately recognizable in kids with hyper activity and restlessness as its core symptoms, the symptoms in adults are almost always misunderstood and never related to ADHD. Most adul

Men, women and depression: The difference

Depression is one serious problem that can have a great impact in every area of your life. It can destroy your social life, keep you away from your loved one, can make you face problems in career or relation and can also lose your self confidence. Mostly

Borderline personality disorder: Warning signs

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is described as a persistent disturbance in the personal behavior characterized by complexity and inconsistency in the emotional status of a person. This may cause a distressful situation in personal and professional

Marijuana Vs tobacco: Which is more harmful for lungs?

There are many reasons to consider smoking cigarettes worse than marijuana. A statement must have repeatedly passed by your ears that one joint of marijuana equals ten cigarettes in causing any harm. This is represented as greater than is true or reasonab

Depression antidotes: Keeping the blues at bay

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders, that is expressed as loss of interest, feeling of low self-worth, disturbed sleep, low energy and poor concentration. It is an illness, that involves the body, mood and thoughts. Depression is the lea

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