How to ensure the best of your mental health during a job search

job search

Searching for a job can be an extremely stressful experience. In fact, career changing related stressors show up multiple times on the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, which outlines stressors that can lead to illness. Trying to find a job in the medical field adds another layer of complexity when it comes to stress.


Whether you’re struggling to find a position or stressing over relocating, learning to mitigate and manage stress will not only help you get through the job search process with your sanity intact, but it will also give you the tools you need to stay focused in your career. Here are some tactics for mitigating stress during your job search.

Broaden Your Horizons

At any given time, there are thousands of jobs available in the medical field. Rather than focusing solely on jobs in one location, cast your net far and wide from the beginning of your search. That way, you don’t have to stress as much about missing out on a position in your preferred area. You can apply for a job in a second or third tier city based on your list of ideals and work there until something opens up where you want to be.

This mitigates stress by not putting all of your eggs in one basket. It also teaches you to embrace the fact that things don’t always go according to plan; you simply control the variables that you can.

Scope the Real Estate Market in Advance


Before you apply for a position, take a look at the real estate market. For example, Dallas has been a hotspot for newcomers and has boasted a booming real estate market in recent years. This has put a strained demand on home buyers but has made things a little easier for those looking to rent. Apartment options are varied and beautiful at prices that are affordable for the region. If you’re looking to move to a large, growing city like Dallas, it helps to get an idea of what you’re facing regarding rental options, budget, and wait times.

Like job changes, moving is another significant life stressor that can’t be avoided. What you can do to mitigate that stress is be as prepared as possible.

Maintain Physical Health

Practice what you preach to patients and take precautions to maintain your physical health during this stressful time. Engage in exercise daily while focusing on optimizing your nutrition. Not only will these measures assist in preventing illness, but they can also reduce your stress levels.

Physical exercise correlates with the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, which is attributed to an overall mood-boosting effect. 14% of participants in a recent Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) poll indicated that they use physical exercise as a method of stress management. Many prefer to keep it simple with walking, running, and yoga. Find a form of physical activity that speaks to you and throw yourself into it.

Create a Sleep Routine


A lack of sleep contributes to stress, illness, and general malaise. On the other hand, stress during the day can negatively impact sleep at night. Thus, a vicious cycle is created. Mitigate stress by creating a sleep routine that will help you get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. Unplug from electronic devices an hour before bedtime and avoid caffeinated drinks late in the day. Incorporate relaxing activities that help you unwind at the end of the day.

If you have an erratic schedule that influences your potential for sleeping at night, be sure to schedule in naps throughout the day. In the medical field, you can count on being sleep deprived on a regular basis. Working around your schedule to get adequate rest is paramount to your longevity and success.

Learning to mitigate stress during the job search process will translate over as coping skills when you finally secure a position. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup; be sure to take care of yourself first.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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