Four Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Getting Diabetes in the Future

Whether your doctor has told you that you’re at a high risk or you simply want to look after your future health, there are many things that you can start doing today to reduce the likelihood of becoming diabetic. Type 2 diabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are too high, and affects millions of people around the world today.

Carrying extra weight, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are all common risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. In addition, bad habits such as smoking can also increase your risk of becoming type 2 diabetic. So, what can you start doing right now to prevent this from happening in the future? Let’s find out.

Improve Your Diet

Since type 2 diabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are too high, eating a healthy diet is important as this will help to keep them at a lower level and reduce risk. Even if you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, a better diet can eventually help you to reverse the condition when paired with regular exercise. See this Diabetic FAQ for more information on selling diabetic test strips that you no longer need.


Exercise More

If you’ve been putting off going to the gym lately, then you could be increasing your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. One of the most common underlying factors behind Type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels is a resistance to insulin, which carries glucose to your cells to provide them with energy.

When your body resists, this leads to issues since your cells are unable to function as they should. Exercising can help to improve insulin sensitivity, resulting in better health and a lower risk of becoming diabetic in the future.

Quit Smoking
Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, your risk of becoming diabetic in the future is double. So, quitting smoking is definitely beneficial. And, it’s not just diabetes that you can prevent – as you probably already know, smoking can lead to a whole host of health issues, such as cancer, heart disease, and problems with your teeth. You can get help with quitting smoking from your doctor, who can recommend various support programs or nicotine replacement therapies to make the process easier.


Limit Alcohol

If you enjoy one too many drinks, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the future. Whilst drinking a glass of wine on a Friday night certainly won’t hurt you, if you find yourself turning to alcohol more often than you should, this can lead to weight gain, raise your blood pressure, and increase triglyceride levels. All of thi

Limit Alcohol
Limit Alcohol

s puts you at a much higher risk of becoming diabetic. Men should limit their alcohol intake to two standard drinks per day, while women are advised to stop at one. When possible, drinking alcohol with the lowest sugar content is a much healthier choice.

Today, millions of people are afflicted with Type 2 diabetes. But, the choices that you make now can help to prevent this in the future.

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