What You Need to Know About Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Around a quarter of Americans will end up in a car accident at some point during their lives. Despite this, many people don’t understand what they should do if they are in a car accident. This can be a disadvantage if you are injured in a car wreck, since you may not understand how to get compensation for injuries that aren’t your fault. As Ft. Lauderdale car accident attorneys Rosen and Ohr explain, understanding what to do after a car accident is important, because if you are injured but not compensated, you could find yourself buried in medical bills, even if the crash was not your fault.

Here are a few of the types of injuries that are most common after car crashes:

  1. Connective tissue injuries:

Connective tissue injuries are also known as “soft tissue injuries.” In this type of injury, connective or “soft” tissues in the body are affected. Oftentimes, these injuries impact muscles and ligaments.

  1. Neck and Back injuries:

Spinal-Cord-InjuryNeck and back injuries are very common after car crashes because of the way the neck and back can be forced back due to the impact of a crash. The faster the vehicles were moving at the time of the crash, the more likely back and neck injuries are to occur. These injuries can range from minor annoyances to people becoming partially paralyzed.

  1. Head injuries and spinal cord injuries:

Head and spinal cord injuries can cause extreme medical issues that victims never recover from. If a victim has fluid in the skull due to the impact of the crash, for example, he or she can suffer permanent brain damage that changes his or her life forever. Spinal injuries can also be devastating, causing partial or complete paralysis. As Benjamin Sansone, an auto accident injury attorney in St. Louis explains, these are the types of injuries that people most often hire personal injury lawyers for, because the sheer cost of the medical bills alone can be overwhelming without compensation.

  1. Death

death Lastly, death can often occur as the result of a car crash. Each year, many people die from car accidents, leaving their loved ones to deal with emotional and financial strain. If someone dies in a car crash as a result of the other driver’s negligence (for example, if the other driver was under the influence of alcohol) the deceased driver’s loved ones may choose to pursue a wrongful death claim.

If you find yourself in a car accident, you should follow some simple steps in order to get the situation under control as quickly as possible and maximize your chances of a successful insurance claim or personal injury claim.

As Ronald Jebaily, whose law firm created the SC car accident checklist to help drivers understand what to do after a car crash explains, following the right steps after a crash can help to ensure you get the compensation you deserve if the crash was not your fault.

If you find yourself in a car crash, you’ll want to do the following.

1: Call the police.

The police will document the scene and create an accident report. Try to get a copy of this if possible.

2: Check for injuries.

Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. If there are any obvious injuries, you should call an ambulance.

3: Document the crash scene.

Document the crash scene.You’ll want to get photos of any injuries you sustained, the crash scene, your vehicle, the other vehicle, and anything else that seems pertinent. These can be very helpful when dealing with insurance adjusters or filing a personal injury claim.

4: Get medical attention.

Even if your injuries seem minor, it is a good idea to see a doctor right away to get checked. Things that could seem minor could turn into more serious injuries later, and you will need documentation proving that the injuries were caused by the crash.

5: Don’t admit fault.

Don’t admit that the car crash was your fault, no matter how upset you feel. As Howard Spiva, a car wreck attorney in Savannah, GA explains, these statements can be recorded and used against you later when you file an insurance claim or personal injury case.

A car accident doesn’t have to be traumatic if you know what you’re doing. Try to follow the rules of the road and be the safest driver you can be, but if another driver hits you, understand what to do next. Make sure that you seek out medical and legal help right away if you are injured, as you don’t want to get stuck paying for medical bills that are not your fault.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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