5 Tips for getting a break as a bodybuilder


Are you a health and fitness enthusiast? Are you ready to take your workout regime to the next level? Competing as a bodybuilder means serious training, a strict diet, and months of hardwork and dedication. You need willpower and the drive to succeed in order to compete as a bodybuilder. Before you make the commitment, read this article and discover exactly what bodybuilder training looks like, how it’s done, and if it’s right for you.

1. Training and Diet are Most Important

It’s no surprise that if nutrition and exercise are two of the most important components of bodybuilding. That’s because you need to pair the right nutrition plan with the right workout regime. And it’s not as simple as counting calories and mixing weight lifting and cardio. Bodybuilding is about the entire body composition — how it burns calories, builds muscle, metabolizes fat, etc. Because everyone’s individual metabolism and body structure is different, you need to find a diet plan that works best for you. This will include lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water. You can read more here about a nutrition plan that will help you build lean muscle.

Next to diet, your training plan is of utmost importance when it comes to bodybuilding. If you’re just starting out, it’s important you start slow but with frequency. Beginner bodybuilders need to train more often than seasoned pros. But there’s a scientific reason for this. When you’re just starting out, your muscles tire much faster than professionals. You’ll get sore quicker but your muscles will also recover faster, allowing for continued training.

Seasoned bodybuilders who already know and understand how their muscles work and react, are more aware of how to push their muscles. By doing so, they’re actually damaging their muscles slightly more, allowing for continued growth. This additional damage takes longer to recover from, therefore their training is less frequent. You also need to target the specific muscles in your body. You may consider hiring a personal trainer to help you find the right workout routine that offers the best results. 

2. But They Aren’t Everything 

Although diet and exercise are key to breaking into the bodybuilding industry, they aren’t the only things you need to focus on. Bodybuilding is about being a competitor and in order to compete, you need to find and register in multiple events, practice your flexing, stage presence, and how to emphasize all your best attributes. But before you hit the stage, you need to create a lifestyle that supports your new hobby.

Start by finding the right gym that offers the equipment and resources you need to succeed. Maybe a 24 hour gym is best for your schedule. Find one that’s in close proximity to your job or home so that you don’t have to travel too far. You also need to the right gear to properly and safely train. Find sneakers and clothes that fit comfortably and don’t restrict mobility. Avoiding injury is essential for bodybuilders. An injury can put you out of commission for several weeks or months, bringing your training and progress to a halt. This is why a personal trainer may be best when you’re just starting out. They can help guide you through a safe, effective workout routine. Once you’re comfortable with your body and your workouts, you can branch out on your own. 

3. Being a Professional is Rare Woman bodybuilder

Being a bodybuilder and doing it for a living are two very different things. Being a professional bodybuilder who makes enough money to support their life without having a day job is as rare as becoming a successful actor, model, or musician. You need to win countless competitions and receive endorsements to make a living.

Having a “good” body isn’t enough. You need to have the genetic make-up to be successful. As depressing as this may be, some people just simply don’t have the body composition to be a professional bodybuilder. The right body type includes a V-shape with wide shoulders and a small waist. But that’s just the start. You truly need to be perfect, which means dedicating your entire life to bodybuilding. You need to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind and reevaluate them every once in a while.

Did you lose your most recent competition? Why? Compare yourself to the winner and review the judges notes and comments. Being a professional bodybuilder is a lot about self-reflection. You need a tough skin in order to take the criticism that comes along with this profession. You must then apply this criticism to your training and make the necessary changes. This can be a grueling process that not everyone is cut out for.

4. Be Prepared to Sacrifice – A Lot 

For most professional bodybuilders, it’s more than just a hobby. It’s an entire lifestyle. And you need to be prepared to sacrifice a lot. For optimum results, your nutrition needs to be on point 100% of the time. That means eating dinners out, indulging in alcoholic beverages, desserts, or foods containing sugars or other processed foods will become a thing of the past. You can’t skip a workout if you’re not in the mood to hit the gym. Don’t be surprised if your immediate circle of friends changes as well. You’ll start spending more time at the gym with people sharing your visions and goals than with former friends who maybe don’t understand your lifestyle or are too far removed to make time to see you. These are all realities you must face if competing as a bodybuilder is your dream. 

5. Get Informed

Like with any exercise regime, diet plan, or program focused around your body composition and how it works, you have to stay informed. There are constantly new reports, studies, and research being done that will help you improve on your performance. The basic foundation of bodybuilding will likely remain the same, but the same can’t be said for innovations in medicine, supplements, and discoveries on what foods are good or bad for your health. Is there a new supplement out that can help you target certain issues you’ve been having? Did someone discover a new way to work one of your problem areas? Talk to other professionals in the field, stay up to date on bodybuilder literature, and always listen to your body.

Bodybuilding takes a lot of dedication, willpower, and hard work. But if you’re willing to put in the effort and health and fitness are your passion, it might be the right path for you. Whether you choose to compete professionally and make bodybuilding a career or simply try it on for size as a hobby, keep these five tips in mind.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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