Yoga poses for endometriosis

When women get a problem of Endometriosis, it can be extremely critical. It is a situation where endometrial cells from the lining of the uterus move to other parts of pelvis and organs. The cells respond to monthly hormonal fluctuations resulting in bleeding within the body which can be extremely painful and also results in tissue scars to form. Such tissue is considered as sign of discomfort during such situation. To treat this problem different treatments like surgery and birth control pills are advised which removes the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tissues. One natural way to deal with this problem is yoga, though yoga cannot cure it but can surely minimize the stress and pain which is the result of such situation.

Yoga helps people who are looking for the ways to de-stress and relax the mind. It concentrates on breathing and slow movements or poses and building core muscle strength. It also helps in maintaining balance and re-alignment within the body. It is a great way to strengthen your muscles within the body. The yoga poses focuses on curing certain problems or conditions faced by your body and give a sense of calmness.

1. Supt Baddha Konasana

Supt Baddha Konasana

How it helps

With this pose, the circulation of blood to brain gets improved. The sluggish cells get rejuvenated and brain starts functioning in better way. It also stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands on which the vital strength of person depends.

How to perform

1. Usually such poses should be practiced by women who are not in their menstruating period should practice.

2. In this pose, get a thick blanket rolled and place it behind you where the short end is against your buttocks.

3. Keep your knees bended and place your feet together with your feet on floor. The rolled blanket should be beside each of your legs so that it can support your thighs.

4. Lengthen the spine while inhaling deeply. Make sure your spine should rest on the blanket which is rolled and your head must be in relaxing position.

5. During this posture your soles of the feet should be together and arms must be out to the sides with palms up. Rest and relax for some time and breathe deeply.

2. Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana

How it helps

The posture helps in stimulating prostate gland, abdominal organs, kidneys and ovaries. It helps to strengthen the heart and also focuses on improving the circulation of blood. It gives more stretch on knees, inner thigh and going along with giving a toned look. It also eases down the problems like depression or anxiety.

How to perform

1. In this posture your legs must be straight and pelvis must be raised on the blanket if your hips are tight.

2. Get your heels close to pelvis and your first and second finger and thumb must touch the toe of each foot.

3. Sit in a position so that pubis is in front and the tailbone in back and both are equidistant from floor. The sacrum and shoulder blades must be firm against the back.

4. Hold the same pose for 1 to 5 minutes and then inhale and extend the legs back to their original position

3. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

How it helps

Along with giving a good stretch to the body, it also offers a hamstrings stretch. It is said to be a great stretch the Latissimus Dorsi and other deeper shoulder muscles.

How to perform

1. To perform this pose, you have to be in a seated position in which you have to extend one leg diagonally out.

2. The sideways must be stretched and down towards the extended leg.

3. Your arm should be extended over the top of the head along with stretching the body side. Lengthen the arm away from the body so that there won’t be any pressure within the shoulder joint.

4. Try to grab the foot if you are flexible. Keep rotating the body opening the chest upward direction.

4. Paripurna Navasana

Paripurna Navasana

How it helps

This pose works more on the abdomen muscles. It helps to the hip flexors and large and small intestines along with lower back muscles. It is effective in stimulating the thyroid, intestines, kidneys, and prostate glands.

How to perform

1. In this pose, you have to sit on the floor in upward direction where knees must be bent and feet should be flat on the ground.

2. Extend the arms parallel to the ground and fingers must be pointing forwards.

3. Go in backward direction and keep your spinal column straight and extend upward through the head. Your neck and head must be in line with spine. Be in this pose for eight breaths

Yoga poses to avoid

You should not perform inverted poses of yoga like standing forward fold or downwards facing dog which even though offers benefits like stress relief or relief on abdominal pressure organs. However, according to some theory some menstrual blood flows backward from the uterus. Such flow is very common. However if a women have endometriosis problem, the stray cells are not destroyed. Hence, woman with endometriosis should avoid inversions during menstruating.

Yoga is one such exercise which you can do at home, or at the beach. Once you learn the poses mentioned above, you can create your own special morning and afternoon routine.

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