Weight Loss Surgery: When No Other Weight Loss Method is Effective

Weight Loss Surgery

Individually appropriate BMI (body mass index) is one of the many preconditions for living a long and healthy life. There are many ways of weight control like proper and balanced diet, active lifestyle, and mental health care. However, these methods are not always effective enough for everyone to reduce the excess weight. When there is no other solution, doctors may suggest bariatric surgery for weight loss.

Weight Loss Surgery – Reduction of the Stomach Size

Weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is a medical procedure—a surgical intervention. During the procedure, the size of the stomach is reduced laparoscopically, meaning through small incisions. This way it is possible to physically limit the amount of food that the patient is able to ingest.

The stomach reduction manipulation is the main, yet not the only part of the whole weight loss surgery process – it also includes a thorough preoperative preparation and a postoperative period:

  • Before surgery, the patient usually undergoes medical observation for a period of approximately two weeks – thorough preparation for the manipulation requires a strict diet and planning
  • The postoperative period is another essential part of the process – doctors will help the patient to gradually adjust to the new lifestyle and offer help in developing new eating habits in the future to maintain optimal weight.

Bariatric Surgery – the Process Step by Step

Bariatric SurgeryChoosing a reliable, modern and professional clinic, for example any of the Health Travel Latvia cluster cooperation partners, will guarantee the best quality services, and that stands true also when it comes to bariatrics.

A full cycle of weight loss surgery must include all of the following elements:

  •  Preoperative consultations, diagnosis, examinations and tests.
  •  Arrival at the clinic and settling down in a modern ward.
  •  Weight loss surgery using the most modern equipment.
  •  Recovery after the procedure under the doctor’s observation.
  •  Going home and living life to the fullest!
  • Ongoing consultations with the doctor on maintaining preferred weight and developing healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

Approximately one year after the procedure, when weight has stabilized, the patient can consider, in consultation with the doctor, whether to have further medical manipulations, for example plastic surgery for surplus skin removal.

What is the Cost of Weight Loss Surgery?

The costs of medical services vary greatly by country. Naturally, the prices will be higher in Northern and Western Europe, and the USA; therefore these countries are excellent health tourism examples. People in those countries have discovered that travelling to another country that can offer the same—if not higher—quality for medical services often is ahighly reasonable financial decision.

For example, weight loss surgery in Latvia is available at prices up to 50% lower than in other countries in the world. That is a noteworthy difference!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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