Looking for the most effective ways to solve your issue with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? If you’re tired of looking at traditional aka natural treatments or if the ones you currently utilize isn’t doing anything at all, then there’s these three most effective treatments that’s proven effective for those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
As the most successful and trusted sleep apnea medical device, CPAP should be on top of your priority list when considering a treatment. Talk to your doctor or consult a sleep specialist to get guidance as you utilize this treatment.
CPAP is applied through a mask that is placed over your nose and/or mouth, and continually delivers air pressure to keep your airways open It is attached to a proprietary CPAP machine that acts as an air compressor. You should also get a snoring chin strap to alleviate dry mouth/throat that can come when adjusting to the use of CPAP. This device also helps maximize the benefits of CPAP.
CPAP is highly effective at treating the majority of cases of obstructive sleep apnea for patients that uses CPAP. It eliminates the obstructive breathing events as well as snoring problems. This treatment is typically recommended after accomplishing a sleep study.
Oral/dental sleep apnea appliances
There are many types of FDA approved dental devices. These devices are divided into three categories:
- Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD). The most common type of dental sleep device available for treating snoring and sleep apnea. It opens the airway by moving the mandible (lower jaw) forward. The tongue is attached to the lower jaw behind your chin. As the jaw is moved, the collapsible part of the airway is opened by the forward tongue movement.
- Tongue retaining devices (TRD). TRD works by holding the tongue forward, but instead of moving the jaw forward like MAD, it directly controls the tongue itself. However, it can be uncomfortable and may take weeks or months to be worn comfortably.
- Combination CPAP/Dental sleep device. CPAP treatment can also be uncomfortable due to bad fitting of nose or face mask. Your dentist and doctor/sleep expert can work together to recommend a dental sleep device that is worn together with your CPAP device. This is specially fitted with the CPAP to accommodate it while it’s being used. You may use a snoring chin strap to alleviate dry mouth/throat that can come when adjusting to the use of CPAP.
OSA Surgery. This method isn’t normally used unless other treatments have failed to address the issues. You may also choose this method if you don’t want devices when sleeping. Surgery choices include:
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). The most common OSA surgery for adults.
- Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy. The first option for treating sleep apnea in children, because enlarged adenoids or tonsils are typically their cause of sleep apnea.
- Tracheotomy. While this is effective in treating sleep apnea, it is only done when treatment is needed straight away.
- Nerve stimulation. A procedure wherein a device in inserted in the upper chest, which senses the breathing pattern and mildly stimulates the airway muscles, keeping the airway muscles open.
- Other surgical procedures to repair tissue and bone problems in the mouth and throat that are causing OSA.
Found a sleep apnea treatment option you like? Seek help from your doctor or consult a sleep expert today to get professional advice and start your treatment right away.
Article Submitted By Community Writer