How Alcohol Addiction Affects Brain?

Alcohol Addiction

The consumption of alcohol has persistently maintained a strong foothold in the U.S. and it has been virtually impossible to get going without alcohol. Considering the alcohol is promoted with a caution, it is meant to be enjoyed in a responsible manner. Alcohol tends to have a severe impact on the complicated system of the brain. It restricts the chemical signals among brain cells, also known as neurons, which result into indications of intoxication which may include impulsive actions, troubled walking, blurred vision, unclear speech, slowed response duration, and impaired memory.

nervous systemThis clearly represents that alcohol addiction has some adverse effects on the brain. In some individuals, these effects become evident when they have consumed a very little amount of alcohol and also get diminished quickly after they stop consuming alcohol. However, those individuals who have alcohol addiction may have its impact on their brain which continues even if they get back sober as they had consumed large amount of alcohol over a longer duration. Precisely, the way alcohol addiction affects brain and possibility of reversal of the symptoms of alcohol addiction on the brain have been extensively researched.

Alcohol addiction is related to a number of familiar cognitive changes which may include poor decision making, confused or abnormal thinking, and loss of inhibitions. Alcohol addiction results in long-term issues and makes it difficult to recover. Even a short-term loss of control on regular brain function can lead an individual into a personal or legal trouble.

Many individuals with alcohol addiction have to face issues with memory and slowed thinking. Excessive alcohol consumption creates difficulties in recalling memories or retaining fresh information which can be as simple as remembering someone’s name. Once they are sober again, they usually feel having a blackout which means that they cannot remember any part of the whole event they were at or the conversation they have while they were under the influence of alcohol. These side-effects are the clear evidence of serious long-term damage caused to brain because of alcohol addiction. As soon as alcohol exits the body, the brain carries on the over-activation of neurotransmitters causing aching and possibly hazardous withdrawal side effects that can cause damage to the brain cells. This damage worsens with alcohol addiction and attempts of abrupt withdrawal.

Alcohol AddictionDamage to the brain caused by alcohol addiction can take different forms. The first type is neurotoxicity that occurs when neurons overreact to neurotransmitters over an extended duration. Extreme exposure to a neurotransmitter can result in gradual burn out of a neuron. Because neurons make up the pathways among various sections of the brain when they start to burn out, it can result in an obvious slowdown of reactions.

Along with the damage caused to these pathways, the brain is itself harmed by the alcohol addiction. People being addicted to alcohol mostly experience shrinkage of the brain which means the volume of both cell bodies and cell pathways gets reduced with age and quantity of alcohol consumed.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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