Furthering Your Career in Nursing and Becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner

Becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner

There comes a time within your nursing career when you just feel ready for a change. Perhaps the monotony of shift work has well and truly set in, or perhaps you feel that you are no longer getting the patient contact and relationship that you once strived to achieve. Whatever the reason for the change is, it is important to realize and accept that it is natural. Furthering your career is one thing, but deciding which route to follow is another. For example, you are seeking a career within nursing that allows you to build patient contact, trust and form strong relationships along the way. The role of an FNP (Family nurse practitioner) will fit in perfectly with what you envisage and what you want, so just how do you become an FNP?

The Perfect Time to Further Your Nursing Career

Nursing Career

Whether you have been within nursing for 1 year or perhaps for 10, you will quickly realize that there is no right time (or perfect time) for change. Change comes about when you need it and when you want it. Trying to justify your reasons for wanting a change and trying to convince yourself that perhaps you should wait to pursue your next dream is not beneficial to anyone. As there is no perfect time for a change, you should realize that you should begin acting on what you want as soon as you can. Career changes and progression seldom happen overnight, and so the sooner you start taking action – the better!

Why You Should Become an FNP

A family nurse practitioner – or FNP for short, is similar to a GP or doctor in terms of what they do and offer. However, an FNP has close contact with patients and will often treat families over several years (giving them a chance to build and forge relationships). You should become an FNP if you want to make real change and if you want to make a real difference in the lives of families in your local area or community.

What Skills and Attributes Have You Got to Offer

Nurse Greeting Patient

Through your time as a nurse, you will find that you have a lot of skills and attributes that are highly transferrable to the role that an FNP undertakes. For example, an FNP has to build trust, and they have to build confidence within their patients through offering personal and tailored care (and this is something you will have done within your time spent nursing). You have more skills and attributes to offer than you probably realize. However, once you have seen what you can offer and bring to the role, you will see why becoming an FNP is such a good fit for you and your future.

Making a difference to Local Communities and Local Families

As a nurse, you can make a change to the lives of patients, but as an FNP, you can make a real difference to the lives of whole communities and certainly whole families. Within your role as an FNP, you take on the responsibility for the care and well-being of a whole family unit, and this is unique. You will be responsible for family members (both young and old alike).

Returning to Education

studying with full concentration

Transitioning and moving on to become an FNP doesn’t have to be as complicated as you may think, especially if you undertake an MSN FNP program with a reputable University. Returning to education and studying for an FNP program may feel a little bit daunting (especially if you have been away from formal studying for a while). However, there is nothing to be worried or anxious about. Take your time to contact universities, and ensure that they have a vested interest in you and your career. When they show a genuine interest in you and your career options/future, you can be sure that they will help you make the shift (or return) to education as painless as possible.

Strengthening Your Skillset and Qualities

As well as focusing on your education, it is also important that you focus on strengthening your skillset, qualities, and attributes. For example, if your communication skills are not as good as they used to be, then focus on brushing up. Similarly, if you’re struggling with your bedside manner, then take time out to work on this, as this is something you will readily use (and rely on) within your FNP role.

What You Will Get Out of Becoming an FNP

woman with child consulting nurse

Of course, you can give your patients a lot within your role as an FNP, but did you know that you can get a lot in return too. Seeing families grow, change and develop first-hand can give you a sense of self-satisfaction and a sense of pride and achievement. Knowing that you have made a real difference to the lives of families will give you a sense of pride that you might never get to experience in any other role or position.

Increased Responsibility and Duties

Within the FNP role, you will have an increased amount of duties and responsibilities, all of which you must learn to handle. Trying to tackle everything at once can leave you feeling overwhelmed, and this is why it is important to take a targeted approach. Tackling new responsibilities and duties head-on is the best approach to take. Of course, with increased responsibility and duties also comes increased pay and increased job satisfaction.

Building a Strong Support Network

man choosen career in nursing

When you are furthering your career in nursing, and when you are focused on becoming an FNP, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are support networks you can rely on and depend on, and there are bodies and organizations which you can join/become a member. When you realize that you are not alone, you will find it a lot easier to adapt and change to new situations and circumstances, and this is something that you will find useful within your new role (and within future roles too).

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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