Normal workouts can be very monotonous after a certain period. Hence, it is necessary to include some new variations in the workout regime. Working out with kettlebell is easier to perform. Both Compound as well Isolation workout movements can be done with the help of these funny shaped rust iron devices.
Today, I shall be discussing nine of the best kettlebell workout variations to make the body enjoy the best of shape with improved fitness level.
Swing with the bell
This is a great exercise with kettlebell that focuses on three major areas of the human body: glutes, hamstring, and deltroid. Moreover, it also helps in improving the overall stamina level of the body. This is a great power building exercise and is a must to include in your fitness regime.
Weight factor:
2-4 lbs
Sets and repetition:
Three sets with 12-15 repetitions.
Stand with feet apart (shoulder-width measurement). Hold the ball with both your hands in between legs (Refer to picture step 1). Now bend slightly and create an arch with your back. This should be your starting position.
Stand straight while rising the kettllebell with both hands at eye level. (Refer to picture step 2) A brief pause (2 seconds) and then swing the ball back to the starting position.
Discomforts during initial stages:
For beginners, this particular exercise leads to some pain in thighs as well as in hands. However, the pain is only temporary and will disappear after a couple of days.
A fine exercise that helps immensely in reducing flab from lower body part. It also helps in developing the shoulder region.
Squat has always been one of the most important exercises for leg development. However, it also helps in shaping up the lower back while shedding those unnecessary fats. Additional advantage of squats involve creating some pressure within the tummy region.
Weight factor:
2-3 lbs
Sets and repetition:
Four sets with 25 repetitions
Stand with feet apart (shoulder-width measurement). Hold the ball with both your hands up at eye level. Your back should be absolutely straightened. (Refer to picture step 1). This should be your starting position.
Sqaut down while keeping your back as straight as possible. Hand position should be absolutely same as it’s during the starting time (Refer to picture step 2). As you go down squatting, have a brief pause for 1 sec and then slowly get up. Again a brief pause for 1 sec and then repeat the step.
Discomforts during initial stages:
During the initial days, pain in quadriceps will be experienced. It’s very normal and will stay for four to five days. With regular workouts, the pain will slowly disappear. However, people with slip-disc or any other lower back injury should not perform this workout.
To develop lower body region, there is no substitute to the kettlebell squat.
This exercise is very similar to weighted lunges but with a slight variation. It is a lower-upper combo workout that focuses strongly on glutes, hamstring, quads along with deltroid and rib cage development.
Sets and repetition:
4 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg.
2-3 lbs
For exact starting position, please refer to the image. Feet should be outside of shoulder width. Hold a kettlebell with both your hand resting on the right foot, lower back should be in arch like position. Then, pivot the feet to right, bend down, and then raise up kettlebell at absolute chest height. (Refer to picture step 2). A little twist towards the left side is recommended. Then, return back to the starting position.
Power to people
Want to get rid of those bulging love handles? Then, power to people should be the ideal kettlebell workout to perform.
Sets and repetition:
Three sets of 10 repetitions on each side.
Weight factor:
2-3 lbs
With right hand, hold the kettlebell. Extend the hand overhead as shown in picture step1. Left arm should be positioned at the left oblique as shown in picture. Feet should be shoulder width.
Lower the right hand while raising right knee simultaneously. Focus should be on touching the right-hand elbow with right knee. Then, return to the starting step. Continue for 9 more reps and then switch end.
Risk factor:
This exercise should be performed slowly. Or else, strain within the lower abdomen region may take place.
Bend over row
This exercise helps in developing the upper back of human body. It’s easy to perform.
Sets and repetition:
Three sets for 12 repetitions.
6-8 lbs
Take one kettlebell in each hand. Stand with feet shoulder-width. Bend slightly your back in order to form an arch. Arms should be hanging from the two sides. Start to row the kettlebell to body side while slightly twisting palms forward. For better idea, please refer to the images.
Safety factor:
It is recommended to wear exercise belt while performing this workout with heavy weights.
Bicep curl
This exercise mostly focuses on the bicep region of hand. It also helps in strengthening the wrists.
Sets and repetition:
Four sets with 8-10 repetitions
4-5 lbs
Stand with feet slightly widened but not shoulder-width. Hold kettlebell in each hand being placed firmly on the sides. Curl up the bells, have a slight pause of 2 seconds, and then lower down. This exercise can be performed either with both the hands curling together or alternatively.
Perform this exercise slowly in order to experience greater impact.
Chest press
This exercise is great for developing the chest muscles. Secondary muscles that get benefited are triceps, deltroid, and forearm.
Sets and repetition:
Five sets for 8-10 repetitions
6-8 lbs
Lie down on a flat bench with chest facing upward. Hold a kettlebell in each hand. Position the hands exactly as shown in the image. Push bells over the chest, squeeze a bit, press down to starting position. Advance level bodybuilders often use incline or decline bench for greater impact.
Chest fly
Another workout for chest. But this is more of a shaping exercise than development of mass.
Sets and repetition:
Three sets for 15-20 reps
3-4 lbs
Lie down on a flat bench with your face upwards. Hold kettlebell on each hand over chest (refer to picture Step 1). Then slowly lower the arms away from body in a flying position. As soon the arms are in shoulder level, pause the movement. Then, get back to the starting position.
This workout focuses on the entire abdominal area of human body. Primary muscles involved is that of upper abs. Secondary muscles involved include obliques and lower abdominal region.
Sets and repetition:
Ten sets for 10 repetition
2 lbs
Lie down on the floor with face upwards. Bent your knees. Hold a kettlebell with both the hand slightly below chest level. Perform situps while contracting the abs. During this movement, never try to lock the elbow. While lowering down, maintain a slow, steady motion.
Risk factor:
If done with heavier weight and in a fast, vigorous manner, then you may end up injuring your back region.