
Cysts: Help, Support and Overcome

Cysts Overview

Cysts are closed sac like structures that contain gas, fluid, or sometimes, semi-solid material inside. They are not part of the normal tissue and are known to occur in any part of the body in various sizes. Some can be detected only using a microscope, whereas others can be as big as certain body organs. The outer wall of the cyst is the capsule. There are different types of cysts and they can occur in various parts of the body. Some of the most common types are sebaceous cysts, ovarian cysts and breast cysts. Other kinds of cysts include Baker cyst (behind the knee), ganglion cysts (joints and tendons), chalazions (on glands within eyelid), skin cysts, bartholin cyst, pineal cyst, pancreatic cyst, Tarlov cyst, arachnoid cyst etc. Cysts formation can occur at any age. Most of these are benign and do not cause any kind of symptoms.

Help and Support for Cysts

Cysts are formed due to various body processes, including obstructions in the fluid flow, tumors, infections, genetic conditions, chronic inflammatory conditions and defects in the developing organs of the embryo. They can be prevented only when the underlying cause is understood.


You can feel a cyst when you have an abnormal lump just below the skin. The cysts formed just below the skin are easily noticeable. Cysts formed in the breasts are palpable. However, those formed in the organs such as liver or kidneys may not produce symptoms or be detected by the person. They also depend on the location and size of the cysts. They grow very slowly, are painless and smooth to touch.


Cysts can be diagnosed with the help of various imaging studies such as MRI, CAT scan, ultrasound and X-ray.

Overcome Cysts

The treatment of the cysts depends on the location and the cause. Large cysts can be removed surgically. If the cyst contains fluid it can be aspirated or drained with the help of a catheter or a needle. This causes the collapse of the cyst. The fluid from the cyst is also examined for detecting cancerous cells. Under no condition should the cyst be broken or punctured at home. If the cyst is due to a chronic medical condition, it is usually treated according to the medical condition. For example, if a woman has cysts in the ovary, they are removed using surgery. Two types of surgeries used for removing the cysts in the ovary are laproscopy and laparotomy.


Most cysts are benign and do not cause any long term complications. Cysts that are associated with serious infections may have poor prognosis. Prevention of cysts is not possible without knowing the causes of the cysts. However, since most of these are benign, there will not be any complications arising out of these unless they are caused due to some chronic medical conditions. The fact is that they do not cause any effect on the body or mind of the person. If the cysts are large and bothersome, they may cause some discomfort to the person. However, these can be easily removed through surgery.ย 

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