Heatstroke Symptoms

Heatstroke: Symptoms

Top Symptoms

1. Nausea

The person with heat stroke might experience feelings of nausea where the stomach wants to empty out. This is caused when the body is unable to hold in what it contains in the stomach. The person may not actually vomit out but there is an uneasy cramping and sick feeling in the pit of the stomach.

2. High body temperature

The heat inside the body which can not be quickly dissipated causes the body temperature to shoot up. This is one of the major symptom of heat stroke. This is accompanied with red hot flushes on the skin and the skin may feel dry and hot. In humid conditions, the skin may feel moist if the patient had been working or exercising out in the sun. The patient needs to be kept cool under a wet sheet with the fan on or kept in an air conditioned room and given water to drink if they are able to.ย 

3. Rapid breathing and heartbeat

A patient of heat stroke will experience the symptoms of rapid breathing which comes out shallowly and will have increased pulse rate. Since the heart is not able to keep up with the heat dissipation of the body, it will begin to pump faster as a way of trying to cool down the body. The stress upon the heart naturally will be indicated by very quick heart beats and the patient will have difficulty in breathing normally. The patient need to be made to lie down and medical attention administered.ย 

4. Strange behavior

The person may become disoriented and light headed when there is a heat stroke attack.ย The behavior of the patient may be one of fear, confusion and panic. There might be seizures, hallucinations and often the person is unable to comprehend what others are saying and are also unable to articulate themselves. The patient may become very agitated and restless as if trying to find a way to feel more comfortable. The patient needs to be kept in a cool location and cooled down with wet towels on his head and body as a first aid relief measure.ย 

5. Headache

Heat stroke is accompanied by a strong, throbbing headache which makes the patient feel very heavy and uncomfortable. The patient may feel the throbbing inside the head as if it would explode.ย This makes the patient feel dizzy, light headed and nauseous. This is highly dangerous in the case of people with high blood pressure or heart conditions if immediate medical attention is not administered. There are cases of blood veins bursting during such heat stroke attack which may complicate matters.ย 

6. Muscle cramps or weakness

These are painful cramps where the muscles jerk and goes into spasms involuntarily. They may feel tender and cramped in the beginning but later they become limp or goes rigid. This indicates that the muscles are fatigued and no longer able to cope with the stress in the body and gives up all attempt to perform the normal functioning. The patient needs to be given massages wherever the cramps are appearing until the reflexes are brought to normal.ย 

7. Unconsciousness

This is the first symptom in the case of older people. The patient may fall unconscious for a while as the body is no longer able to hold up together and therefore, the patient collapses. This is a serious situation particularly for the elderly as there are cases where they may not be able to come out of the coma. The patient must be given immediate first aid to revive.ย 

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