8 Ways to Deal with Fatigue During Pregnancy

depression During Pregnancy

By the time your pregnancy reaches week 10, you’re likely to feel tired– even if your daily schedule is the same as it was before. While one of the best ways to deal with fatigue is to get as much sleep as you can, as often as possible, it’s not always practical to nap. Read on for eight easy ways to boost your energy as your pregnancy progresses.
Take Prenatal Vitamins & Eat a Balanced Diet

Great nutrition isn’t just vital to your health and that of your growing baby; it’s also an important factor in keeping your energy up. Focus on eating whole, real foods and prioritize your prenatal vitamins. In case you’re trying to pinpoint dietary culprits, watch out for protein and iron deficiencies.

Keep Processed Carbohydrate Intake to a Minimum

Most of us know how it feels to eat a meal and then “carb crash” a short time later. This happens because blood sugar spikes temporarily as processed carbs quickly break down; the crash happens when blood sugar drops. Avoiding candy and sugary desserts will help, and so will replacing white pasta, bread, tortillas, etc. with whole grain versions.

Stay on an Even Keel by Snacking

Your body is hard at work, and you need a steady input of calories. Forgetting to eat can make you feel fatigued. Try to have balanced snacks on a regular basis; cheese and crackers, nuts and fruit, and trail mix are some good choices.

Cut Back on Nighttime Bathroom Trips

Besides going to bed earlier, you can improve sleep quality by drinking all the liquids you need during the first part of the day and avoiding them for a few hours before bedtime. Your bladder will fill less quickly, and you won’t wake up as often. If you try this strategy, be careful not to allow yourself to become dehydrated: dehydration is another cause of fatigue.

Get Moving

While it might seem counterintuitive, regular exercise can help you feel more energetic. Just a quick walk around the neighborhood will help, and so will activities like swimming, yoga, or riding an exercise bike. Bonus: Exercise comes with many other benefits – it can even help you manage common pregnancy discomforts. Be sure to get approval from your doctor before starting an exercise routine, especially if you were sedentary before your pregnancy.

Cut Back on Commitments

Take a look at your schedule. If you volunteer a lot, or if you have a tendency to work overtime, you might want to cut back. Others will probably understand if you need to ease up on activities – especially if they’re moms. Look for other ways to slow down, too; take fewer shopping trips, consider carpooling so you spend less time behind the wheel, and ask for a little help with demanding tasks. Most of the time, friends and family members are happy to lend a hand.

Get Plenty of Vitamin D

Adequate vitamin D can help you feel more energetic. It is present in a variety of foods including fatty fish, butter, cheese, and fortified foods, plus you can make your own by exposing yourself to sunlight.

Boost Beta-Endorphins

There’s another reason to exercise and get a little bit of sun: even a few minutes of exposure increases your beta-endorphin level, helping you feel happier and more energetic.  Laughing, enjoying a nibble of dark chocolate, and smelling lavender essential oil or natural vanilla are a few more ways to release these energy-boosting, happiness-inducing chemicals.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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