8 Pregnancy Tips Every Expecting Mother Should Know

Pregnancy Tips

Not only is becoming pregnant one of the most important decisions a woman will make, but it’s also life changing. A woman’s body, mind, and mood will change before, during, and after her pregnancy. Chances are, your family and friends will all offer sound advice on what to expect during each trimester and tips about caring for a newborn. No matter how much helpful advice you get, you’ll soon learn that the bond between you and your newborn is unique. You’ll adjust to your baby’s specific needs and care for them accordingly. But collecting valuable information beforehand will help you prepare. Read on to discover 8 pregnancy tips for the expecting mother.

1. Find the Right OBGYN

Find the Right OBGYNYou’ll quickly learn that the OBGYN (doctor of obstetrics/gynecology), you choose for your pregnancy will become one of your greatest allies. This is the person you will turn to for all your questions and concerns. They will help you choose a birthing plan, monitor your baby’s development, your health, and support you throughout the entire process. Not to mention, they’ll be the one to deliver your baby when the time comes. Choosing such an important part of your life isn’t something to take lightly. Take your time before choosing an OBGYN. Don’t be afraid to interview several candidates prior to getting pregnant. Bring a list of important questions and get a general feel for how you and the doctor interact. You’ll known right away if this doctor is a good fit for you and your growing family.

2. Take Prenatal Vitamins

Taking prenatal vitamins is something women can (and should) do long before becoming pregnant. These vitamins are packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients that support proper growth and development in babies. Prenatal vitamins are a great source of all the nutrients your diet may be lacking. Some of these important elements are iron, calcium, and folic acid. Ask your doctor if the vitamin you’re taking includes vitamin D. If not, you may need a supplement for that as well. While some women wait to take prenatal vitamins until they become pregnant, some start while they’re trying to conceive.

3. Get Educated

Get EducatedKnowledge is power when it comes to pregnancy. The more you know, the more prepared you’ll feel for welcoming this new little person into the world. There are countless ways to get educated from researching topics online to reading books and even joining mommy groups. Each trimester brings its own unique and beautiful changes to your body. The more you know, the more calmly and easily you can handle what’s ahead. If you’re having trouble conceiving or want to weigh your options, you may want to research in vitro fertilization, surrogates, or even egg donors. See here for more information on this.

4. Kick Bad Habits

If there was ever a time for you to get healthy, it would be now. Not only does your body need to be in tip-top shape for conceiving and carrying your child, but you’re not feeding and providing for another human being. That’s a big responsibility. This means kicking any and all bad habits you once had prior to conception. If you’re a smoker, it’s suggested you stop before trying to conceive. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to break so give yourself several months to a year to quit before trying to get pregnant. Smoking marijuana, medicinal or otherwise, should also be stopped immediately. Consult your doctor if you use CBD to control anxiety, stress, or insomnia. It’s highly recommended pregnant women do not consume alcohol. This can cause damage to the unborn child.

5. Adopt a New Eating Plan

Adopt a New Eating PlanEverything you put into your body is extremely important when you’re pregnant. There are foods to avoid and foods to include in your diet. Although fish is generally a healthy protein, it’s something pregnant women should avoid. Fish like shark, swordfish, and makeril contain high levels of mercury, making them dangerous for pregnant women. Mercury can cause developmental delays and brain damage to the unborn child. Canned tuna is safe in moderation and small portions. Other foods to avoid include deli meat, which may contain listeria, soft cheese, and unpasteurized milk.

6. Give Yourself a Break

Nesting is a common occurrence during pregnancy. It’s a time when expecting mothers become obsessed with tidying up the home and preparing for their new arrival. As exciting as decorating the nursery and buying adorable new outfits is, it’s also important for pregnant mothers to rest. This is true for several reasons. You may find that during the first trimester you are extremely fatigued. This is your body adjusting to all the changes it’s experiencing. Not to mention, you’re growing another human being inside your stomach! That’s a big responsibility and takes a lot of work and effort. Rest when you can. Once your bundle of joy arrives, sleep may feel like a distant memory. Night time feedings, constant diaper changes, and fussy babies make for many sleepless nights. Try to rest when your baby is resting. This will help you be more energized and alert during their awake hours.

7. Stay Active

Stay ActiveRemaining active during pregnancy is equally as important as resting. Lack of activity during pregnancy will leave you feeling fatigued, unmotivated, and potentially depressed. It’s no secret that exercise is an important part of anyone’s healthy lifestyle and that shouldn’t stop just because you’re pregnant. In fact, exercising during pregnancy can make for an easier labor. Exercise strengthens all the muscles in your body, which will all be working hard during labor. It may also help reduce overall discomfort and soreness and improve circulation.

8. Keep a Journal

You’ll be overcome with emotions during your pregnancy. A mix of nervousness, excitement, and uncertainty are all very common and healthy feelings to have. While most people share these emotions with friends, family, doctors, and partners, some woman have a hard time expressing themselves. Journaling is a great way to get these feelings out and help organize your thoughts. Not to mention, keeping a pregnancy journal is a great way to document your journey. It will become a keepsake you can share with your child in the future.

If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, get ready for an amazing and emotional journey. Gather as much information and advice as you can and find what works best for you. No one can make that decision for you. You’ll soon discover that maternal instincts really do work!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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