7 Ways to Promote Good Health at Work

Promote Good Health at Work

The average American works 44 hours per week, which equates to nearly 9 hours per day, which is just shy of 50% of the day. If you’re one of these people, it means that you’re spending more than half your waking hours at work (at least during the week). And that means that the healthy habits you practice at home need to follow you to the workplace. If not, you’ll experience a significant decline in your energy levels, mood, and overall health. Not to mention, being in poor health means taking sick days and not performing to your best ability. If you’re not careful, this could lead to a layoff. But how can you concentrate on your health when you’re busy working? Here are 7 ways to ensure you stay healthy at work and gainfully employed.

1. Kick Bad Habits

Millions of working Americans rely on caffeine and nicotine to get them through their day. Coffee boost energy, helps you feel more alert, and combats afternoon fatigue. But too much of a good thing isn’t always good. Limit your caffeine intake. Start your day with one cup and allow yourself one more cup later in the day. Avoid using too much sugar or sweetners in your cup. These can cause a caffeine crash later and are empty calories that could lead to weight gain. Sadly, despite proven evidence that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health, millions of people still smoke. Smoking is often a social activity. If your coworkers smoke, succumb the temptation to join them. If you are a recreational marijuana or CBD user, you’ll likely need to kick this habit before starting a new job. Especially one that performs random drug test; you can learn more about how its done at this website.

2. Pack Your Lunch

Exercise is important for overall health but maintaining a healthy weight is mostly done through diet. Choosing healthy, nutritious, and filling foods throughout the day will help you avoid eating mindlessly or snacking too much out of boredom or temptation. Offices are infamous for filling the kitchen and lounge with tempting and fattening treats. Take your lunch break elsewhere if you can’t avoid temptation. Bringing healthy food options for lunch and keeping healthy snacks at your desk will prepare you to make good choices throughout the day.

3. Take a Break

Take a BreakTaking breaks during work are good for both your mental and physical health. Without a break, you’ll inevitably burnout. For those people who are extremely passionate about their jobs, this can be difficult. Some people become workaholics — so obsessed with work and accomplishing one more task or finishing a project that they simply can’t walk away. But you need to! Breaks throughout the day and longer breaks or vacations are needed to maintain a healthy state of mind and reduce stress. Not to mention, overworked employees don’t perform as well as those who are rested. Try to shake those guilty feelings and allow yourself a long lunch break or a vacation with your family. You’re entitled to it and you’ll be a more productive worker when you return.

4. Stay Active

This is sometimes difficult for desk job employees. If you’re attached to your computer, phone, or work station, staying active might seem impossible. You just need to get creative. Take a walk on your lunch break. Park your car farther away in the lot so that you get in some extra exercise at the start and end of your day. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office has a gym, utilize it. If not, try finding a gym, yoga studio, or other activity nearby the office that you can do either before or after work. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Not only will staying active help you maintain a healthy weight, but it also boosts mood and leaves you feeling positive and focused.

5. Practice Good Posture

good-postureSitting in the same position for hours on end can wreak havoc on your posture. This is especially true if you’re working over a computer. Your shoulders tend to bend or slouch inwards, putting unwanted stress on your neck and back. Try reminding yourself to sit up straight in your chair. Being conscious of how your body feels in the seated position will help you set personal reminders to adjust your posture. Try replacing your chair with an exercise ball. This forces you to sit up straight and also strengthens your core. Plus, it’s fun! Ergonomically friendly desks and furniture are growing in popularity in offices around the world. They allow workers to stand and move freely around their workspace, promoting movement and preventing injury.

6. Communicate With Your Boss

While some authoritative figures can be intimidating, it’s important that you communicate your needs and issues with your superiors. If you’re unhappy in your position, need time off, deserve a raise, or simply need assistance or guidance with a specific task, it’s important you communicate those needs to your boss. Even the grumpiest of supervisors want their staff to be productive and unhappy workers are far from productive. Burdening the stress of an overwhelming workload or personal issues will affect both your performance and your mental state. Not to mention, stress takes its toll on your physical body too causing headaches and heart issues.

7. Be Mindful of Hygiene

Washing your handsGerms and illness is another culprit responsible for sick days among employees. Practicing proper hygiene at work can help you stay healthy, even if you’re surrounded by germs. If someone in your office is battling a cold or other illness, steer clear of them when possible. This isn’t rude, it’s survival. You don’t need their germs and likely can’t afford to get sick and take time off. Washing your hands upon arriving at work, before and after lunch, and anytime you come in contact with an unknown surface or individual. Keep hand sanitizer at your desk and in your bag for when you’re in a pinch. If you are sick, stay home! Chances are your coworkers don’t want your germs either. Plus, pushing yourself when you’re truly ill will only complicates your condition and prolongs recovery.

When it comes to staying healthy in the workplace, your mental health is just as important as your physical. By practicing a few of these tricks, you can help reduce stress, boost your energy, and remain a productive and positive addition to your work environment.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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