People are required to take medications for countless reasons, whether it’s to regulate a current condition, treat an infection, or prevent a specific ailment from getting worse. While many people avoid taking prescription medications, it’s sometimes necessary. If you were recently prescribed with one or more prescription medications, here are 5 things to consider before popping those pills.
1. Potential Side-Effects 
One of the most important things to consider and research is the potential side-effects of the medication you’re taking. For some people, the risk of side-effects is more dangerous or bothersome than the condition the medications are treating. Side-effects differ based on the type of medication and the person’s reaction to it. Some common side-effects include nausea, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness, and diarrhea. Although rare, more serious side-effects can include suicidal thoughts, heart attack, and even death. It’s important to consider all of these factors before beginning treatment.
2. Pharmacy of Choice
There are countless options when it comes to the pharmacy where your prescriptions are filled. Companies such as EZ Script offer at-home delivery of all medications that patients take regularly. Home delivery is usually not available for one-time prescriptions such as an antibiotic, so do your research before applying for this type of service. Online pharmacies, such as Chemist Online, are also growing in popularity and can provide patients with one-stop-shopping for all their pharmaceutical needs. But many large chains like Walgreens and CVS also offer prescription pick-up at their pharmacy. Depending on your condition and financial situation, research which pharmacy option is right for you.
3. Interactions With Other Medications 
If you’re taking more than one or two prescription medications, it’s important that your doctor knows. That’s because combining medications can cause complications. Some medications are safe to take together, while others can cause severe reactions or have negative interactions with one another. Another factor to consider is that one medication might negate or minimize the effects of another. Be sure to keep a list of all the medications you’re taking in a safe place and consult with your physician before beginning any new prescriptions.
4. Consider Holistic and Natural Alternatives
For those individuals who are opposed to taking prescription medications all together, considering more natural and holistic alternatives is a viable option. Certain treatment options like acupuncture or chiropractic care can replace the need for prescription medications. Essential oils, meditation, reflexology, and massage therapy are all alternative treatment options to consider. Unfortunately, some conditions require prescription medications. You can discuss your treatment options with the doctor and try a more holistic approach before opting for medicine.
5. Dosage and Directions 
Not only is it important to pay attention to what medications you’re taking, but how to take them. Every prescription will detail the correct dosage and how to consume it. It’s extremely important to adhere to these specific directions. Taking too much or too little of your medicines can have disastrous effects. Taking too much of a certain medication can lead to an overdose. Taking too little will impact the effectiveness of the medicine and may put you at risk for whatever condition you’re suffering from. If you don’t think you’re medication dosage is correct, contact your physician or pharmacist immediately. Other important directions include whether or not the medicine should be taken with food and what time of day to take it. Some medications are most effective at night, while others should be taken first thing in the morning. If the prescription tells you to take your medication with food, it’s likely because not doing so will result in an upset stomach.
Taking medications is simply part of life for many people. This is especially true for aging individuals who are faced with more and more medical ailments. As your condition worsens or you develop multiple ailments, you may need to take numerous medications. It’s important to keep these prescriptions organized and collect knowledge about how to correctly take them and how they might affect you.
Article Submitted By Community Writer