3 Explanations for Constant Fatigue

Constant Fatigue

If you feel well-rested every single day, you’re in the minority. In fact, 43% of Americans report being too tired to properly function at work. Never mind how many people find themselves driving tired, reaching for their fifth cup of coffee before 3 p.m., or splashing cold water on their face midday. A certain level of fatigue and exhaustion is normal — especially if you work a vigorous schedule and don’t get adequate sleep. But if you’re lucky enough to get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night and still feel completely exhausted, there may be an underlying cause. Keep reading to discover three potential causes for your constant fatigue.

1. Poor Diet

Poor DietThe first place to turn if you’re feeling unusually tired is your diet. The foods you eat are what give you energy throughout the day. If your diet is lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients, your energy levels will suffer. But what you’re diet is missing isn’t the only problem. What it includes could be adding to your exhaustion. Eating too many refined carbohydrates (which are a great source of energy when consumed at the right times, for the right reasons) can have the opposite effect. So what are the diet does and don’ts when it comes to boosting energy and kicking that afternoon fatigue? Here are a few tips:

·         Avoid consuming too few calories

Restricting calories for weight loss is a common practice, but when taken too far, your body is missing the nutrients it needs to perform at optimal levels. Most people require a minimum of 1,200 calories per day to function.

·         Incorporate healthy proteins into your diet

While most people attribute metabolic rates to carbohydrates and healthy fats, the speed of your metabolism has a lot to do with the proteins you eat. Include high-protein foods like eggs, fish, and beans into your daily routine. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel!

·         What you drink is as important as what you eat

Hydrating properly is another key component for overall health. But lack of water intake can leave you feeling sluggish. You lose liquid through sweat, urine, and even simply breathing. Replenish this loss by drinking the recommended ounces for your body type.

·         Avoid too many refined carbs

Your body takes carbohydrates and breaks them into sugar, using this for fuel. But when your body doesn’t require (or burn) the amount of carbs you consume, not only does that sugar turn to fat, but the spike and fall in blood sugar levels can leave your head spinning (and your eyes droopy).

If you suspect your diet is the cause of your sleepiness, check with your doctor or a nutritionist. Other tell-tale signs you may be lacking necessary nutrients include headaches, weakness, and even dark circles and bags beneath your eyes. Learn more here about addressing some of these issues.

2. Inactivity

InactivityA body in motion stays in motion. And a body rest at stays at rest. It’s an old scientific theory that’s quite fitting here. The ironic part is that many people complain they’re too tired to exercise. But little do they know that the mere act of exercising might actually help boost energy levels long-term. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These feel good chemicals not only improve your mood and leave you feeling happy and positive, but they also motivate you to do more and keep moving. Exercise is a great way to leave you feeling energized and healthy. And at the end of the day, when you do hit your pillow, you’re guaranteed a quality (well-deserved) nights sleep!

3. Poor Sleep Habits

Poor Sleep HabitsWhen it comes to sleep the key is quality over quantity. While it’s recommended you get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night, the quality of sleep is more important than the duration. Adopt healthy sleep patterns that help you fall and stay asleep easier. These include limiting screen time before bed, avoiding alcohol or high-fat foods prior to sleep, and designating your bedroom as a “sleep zone”. All of these things can help ensure you fall asleep faster and wake fewer times throughout the night. Broken sleep is one of the main causes of daily exhaustion. When you sleep straight through the night, you wake feeling energized and rejuvenated, which means your body is receiving the recovery it needs to tackle the day.


A final note

Being tired all the time is about more than just going to bed late or working too much. While these factors can cause fatigue, there may be underlying health issues that are also attributing to your exhaustion. If these three problems apply to you, take the time to reexamine your lifestyle and make some changes. You’ll be shocked at how much better you feel!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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