As our bodies and minds age, they naturally begin to slow down. Until we find the fountain of youth, aging is all part of the natural process of life. You can take certain measures to prolong your life, care for your body, and promote a healthy, long life. Things like staying active, eating a healthy diet, seeing your doctor for routine check-ups, and being mindful of your stress levels all play an important role in staying healthy as you age. But some deterioration of the body and mind are inevitable with age. While the extent of these conditions can vary, it’s best you prepare yourself for some of these changes. From denture repair to hip replacements and eye surgery, let’s examine the 3 most common conditions that affect elderly individuals.
1. Arthritis
The most common type of arthritis facing the older generation is osteoarthritis. This is because osteoarthritis is caused by many years of wear and tear on the body, joints, and ligaments. What’s worse is, osteoarthritis can occur simply from regular levels of physical activity. That means that you don’t have to be a professional athlete or even a fitness enthusiast to suffer from this condition. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and redness of the joints due to inflammation. While symptoms of osteoarthritis can’t be reversed, you can make changes to your daily routine to help ease the pain and discomfort. These include performing regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, using heat and cold to reduce discomfort, and wear supportive braces or shoes, depending on the location of your pain.
2. Memory Loss
Memory loss comes in many different forms and is often categorized under the umbrella of “dementia”. Dementia is a neurological disorder marked by memory loss, impaired cognitive function and reasoning, and changes in mood or personality. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects nearly 5.7 million adults in America. The exact cause of dementia is unclear. What is known is that dementia causes (or is caused by) the death of healthy brain cells. This disease is progressive, meaning it gets worse with time. Dementia often happens with age but may also occur following an injury, stroke, or brain tumor. There is no cure for dementia and in some patients, it may result in death.
3. Cardiovascular Disease
As your body ages, your organs begin to slow down and are unable to function properly. The heart is one of your body’s most important organs and is often the one most affected by aging. The normal aging process causes your heart and surrounding blood vessels to stiffen. This makes it difficult, and in some cases impossible, for the heart to work properly, leading to heart attack, heart disease, and even heart failure. High blood pressure is another common condition facing elderly people and one that negatively impacts the heart. High blood pressure causes your heart to work harder and leads to blocked arteries. This process is also known as coronary artery disease. The arteries surrounding your heart begin to narrow, which prevents proper blood flow and oxygen from reaching your heart. There are several ways to promote a healthy heart including regular exercise, a balanced diet, reduced stress, and not smoking.
Aging is a natural part of life that we all must go through. But being prepared for the changes your body will experience can help make the transition into your elderly years a little easier. Stay informed about what conditions you have and which ones you may be facing in the near future. Preventive care is always your best bet and can leave you feeling and looking younger!
Article Submitted By Community Writer