Is Your Job Making You Fat?

Wrong eating habit

It has become increasingly difficult for us to manage our waste lines today especially because we cannot find time for a proper fitness regime due to our jobs. We try many diets in the hope of fighting the unwanted bulge to compensate for the exercise we could not do. However, the results are not to be seen for our efforts. Therefore, there is something wrong with the way we have analyzed this situation. There need to be changes you need to bring about at your workplace for tackling this problem of weight gain. Here are some of the factors that you should take care of.

Sitting and working for too long


The number one cause of weight gain today is jobs that station you to your cubicles and make you immobile. Your job may demand you to be at your workstations throughout, but your body needs to flex and you are required to move yourself. Therefore, you should make an effort and take short breaks every 45minutes. Walk around your office, prefer stairs over the elevator, and be active.

Job stress

Job stress

Another inevitable factor at work today is stress. Cortizol, a hormone produced by our body during stress, triggers fat and sugar cravings in us. Type 2-diabetes is usually related to work stress these days. Reinvent yourself and remain motivated at work to beat stress.

Eating habits at work

Eating habits at work

Of course, it is understood that we are doing something wrong with our eating if we cannot manage our weight.

Foremost being, eating junk food. Even if it takes you a little longer to start your day, make it a habit to carry food from home – it makes hell lot of a difference in weight loss.

Next common practice that harms us – eating at our desks. We are not aware of what we eat and how much of it – and we keep force-feeding ourselves at our desks. Have your meals at the dining area. Don’t worry if you have to do a long walk to reach the dining place as even that walk will be beneficial for you.

Munching on unhealthy and innutritious snacks in between work hours is associated with weigh gain. If you feel hungry between meals, stock your desk with nutritious snacks or maybe just bring in a fruit or two.

Lastly, skipping meals. You are not helping weight reduction by skipping a meal. Instead, you are slowing down your body’s metabolism and later you end up having a huge meal to compensate what you missed earlier—both of which will make you gain weight.

Not getting Sunshine

 Not getting Sunshine

Most of our workspaces today are cubicles and they lack windows — hence the natural light.  If there are windows nearby, make sure you stroll around them to catch the sunlight. Go for a walk before work or during it, to soak in enough sunlight, if your working environment permits it. Sunlight between 8am and noon is helpful for fat burning.

Impact of colleagues habits


Your colleagues have become your extended family today as we spend most of our waking hours at the office. Celebrations have become a routine affair at work. After work catch-ups and drinking sessions are common too. All the extra calories you put on with these social interactions directly add to the bulge around the waist area. Controlling these habits, politely declining a few invitations, and not over-indulging could help you keep your weight at watch.



At work place, smoke breaks with your smoke-buddies are inevitable. Quit smoking if you want to manage your weight, as it drastically improves your metabolism. Give company to your colleagues who smoke – if passive smoking is not your concern – but tell them you have quit.

Working at night

Working at night

In today’s economy, work happens round the clock, many employees go for night shifts. These night jobbers are more prone to weight gain than their counterparts who clock in at day. This is because our internal clock is reversed and it slows down the metabolism of our body. For these people, it is advised to reduce 100 calories from their daily intake to promote weight loss. Late night coffees are also a strict no, as they lead to insulin resistance, and increased fat storage.

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