The overall number of cases of Hepatitis B in Europe and United States are huge in number, but in terms of funding for its research still doesn’t get as much as attention that is needed. In some of the past years, rapid improvements have been seen in the treatment of Hepatitis B, but still according to experts, there are several challenges for the research of this liver disease. Research topics for the Hepatitis B are lot but some of them that are highly considered to be more preferable:
Effective therapies
It is said that that Hepatitis B is basically divided into two sub categories. If an affected person overcome his/ her illness within six months from the date when symptoms appears first then it is called as Acute Hepatitis B. However, if a person is affected by it for more than six months then it is called as chronic Hepatitis B. In this case, the immune system of body fails to fight against infection, and it results in life long illness. Several scientific studies on the treatment of Hepatitis B have shown that therapies that work in acute form of Hepatitis B are not so effective in the chronic form of Hepatitis B. In the first case, the patient can recover most of the time with general preventions like changing blood and covering cut and shores. In case of chronic Hepatitis B, a patient’s recovery takes years and needs treatments that are effective. Recently in the year 2009 a pill was invented by Australian scientists, which is highly considered as best for this disease. It is now easily available in all the major cities of different countries. Some natural oils like eucalyptus, lemon, oregano, and thyme are also considered as best if taken as per the advice of experts. Also, milk thistle is something that must be taken on a regular basis. The use of a vaccine that is effective is also considered as one of the therapies of chronic hepatitis B.
Identifying the source of infection
This is a concerned topic on which lot of research has been conducted, but researchers still have not got the effective information how to identify the source of infection of Hepatitis B. In the majority of cases, it has been seen that a mother can transmit this virus to the baby while giving birth to him/ her. This topic is highly considered by the researchers. FDA has approved some researches because it seems that they will bring an effective cure very soon.
How and when physical relation contributes in spreading of Hepatitis B
It has been scientifically proven that anal, oral, as well as vaginal sex, contributes in spreading of this virus from one person to another. Cases like this are common in US. Generally it is a silent virus, and while physical relation, it passes from an infected person to a healthy person. Also, some latest researches show that it gets transmitted from male to female in the majority of cases especially during anal and vaginal sex. The health workers, emergency workers, dental workers as well as drug users have more chances to be affected through this disease. To control this virus up to a certain extent, majority of experts in the US and Europe recommends amivudine and secondly famciclovir. These are two special forms of drugs available in almost every country of the world. Patients in crucial stages can consider these drugs because they work well in almost every stage.
Clinical Management
Clinical management of Hepatitis B in some of the European countries is not much strong, and a lot of primary topics in this category, is under research. Though, the treatment machines have specified security and functionality standards, however, in terms of technology they are not so vast. The main issue arises with them is they are not so accurate in monitoring the condition of the patient. Kim WR Epidemiology of hepatitis B in US is recommended for identification and public health management of patients of Hepatitis B. In the majority of European countries, there are large numbers of Hepatitis B treatment centers or hospitals where experts treat this virus with some form of exercising.
Causes- Known and Unknown
Virus is highly considered as one of the leading causes of Hepatitis B. Also, transferring of infection is another cause. Moreover, there are lots of cases where the cause of this infection is not known, and the majority of aspects are under research. In US and Europe, those cases are treated with drugs like Adefovir, Telbivudine, Lamivudine Tenofovir and Entecavir. These drugs ensure majority of effects to be reversed.