Tanned look is considered to be one of the beauty assets. Tanning refers to the process of exposing the skin to the sun which leads to the browning of the skin. The sun tan has much been in vogue with women getting different kinds of tanning done on their bodies to get that perfect gold look. The process of getting tanned by sun burn is of different nature and can bring along with its various skin irritations and problems. Many myths have been added to the idea of tanning.
Following are ten myths related to tanning. Reading through them might give you a better idea.
Myth 1: In cloudy weather, sun rays do not affect the skin
Most of us think that sun rays do not affect us when it is cloudy. This is a myth. Even when clouds are covering the sun, the UV rays can penetrate through the sun . Clouds only provide a partial level of protection but not complete. So in case you tend to expose yourself too much to the sun even on a cloudy day, then you should do so by applying sun screens.
Myth 2: Tanning beds are safer than direct sun tan
Some feel that tanning beds are better and less harmful than direct sun tan. But in reality, both are same and affect the skin in the same way. Both tanning beds as well as direct sun tan can cause skin cancer and sun burn. In tanning beds, UV A rays are used and while during the direct sun tan, UV B rays reach the body. Though UVB is more dangerous but UVA is not less harmless as well.
Myth 3: Tanning is a healthy option
Many consider receiving abundant sunlight and getting tanned is a healthy option. In reality, that’s not true as it might lead to skin allergies and sunburn. Sunlight can be healthy only if you expose yourself for 15-20 minutes to get adequate vitamin D.
Myth 4: Sun burn is essential
Sunburn is necessary. This is a myth. In reality there’s a great difference in getting a sun burn and getting sunshine on your body. Sun burn can cause freckles, skin aging, and roughness. Thus it could lead to various skin damages.
Myth 5: Skin cancer affects only women
Many feel that the skin cancer only affects women. But in reality, both men and women can get affected by skin cancer. The other reason of skin cancer can be heredity. The texture of the skin has got nothing much to do when it comes to skin cancer.
Myth 6: Hat protects from sun rays
Many consider hats to be a good protection against the harmful sun rays. Hats can protect the SPF level of 3 to 5 but cannot offer complete protection from the sun. Though sitting under a tree or shades while wearing a hat is a good option.
Myth 7: Tanning beds spread HIV/AIDS
The seventh myth includes considering tanning beds as the reason for the spread of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS can only get spread through the blood or any injection in to the blood. HIV doesn’t stay in air or water.
Myth 8: Sun basking affects body’s internal organs: Many feel that basking in the sun is considered to affect the internal organs of the body. But this is not possibly practical. And hence this myth has got no base.
Myth 9. Tanning causes melonama epidemic
Many believe that tanning often causes melonama epidemic. There have not been any clear surveys that can prove this fact. But yet in some of the cases it has been found that sun burn causes skin cancer and melonama.
Myth 10: Little sun screen is enough
The last myth includes considering little sun screen to be sufficient for the body. In reality, you should use adequate amount of sun screen on the body. Usually applying little sun screen is the cause of getting tanned. Thus next time you are out in the sun, make sure you have applied good amount of sun screen.
Some tips
1. Buy a sun screen with a high or low SPF depending on the climate you are living in
2. Buy either a gel based sun screen or a cream based sun screen depending on your skin type
3. Apply sun screen every day for protection from gradual sun burn
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the best way to avoid sunburn than applying sun screen?
The best way to avoid sun burn is to wear protective clothing, wearing broad hats, avoiding sun in its peak time between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
2. When should the sun screen be applied?
The best time to apply sun screen is to apply it at least 30 minutes before going out in the sun.
3. Should everybody use sun screen daily?
Yes, sun screen is mandatory for skin care. Everyone should use it.