Skin Health Guide

Vitamins that enhance hair health

Do you always dream of having shiny silky hair that could be amazingly soft to touch and extremely strong at the same time? Well if you are looking for a magical solution that would give you these lovely results, it is high time you pay attention to what

Vaseline usage?

My skin gets too much dried in the winter months and I feel like scratching it again and again. This has caused my skin to look so dried up and so that I feel a kind of embarrassment in going out public. Some of friends who use Vaseline have also advis

Heat Rash Remedy?

Hello there! I am a factory worker and I have joined just recently. Our company is a glass manufacturing unit and therefore there is quite high temperature there. My body has not adjusted itself to the high temparature which is present inside the compa

Treatment For Psoriasis?

Hi there! I am 25 years old and I have been suffering from an itching and burning sensation on whole of my  body. This itching was not there one month ago and I was perfectly fine but now all this has changed. I think I have been infected with pso

Diet and acne : Acne fighting foods

It’s a well known fact that your diet and eating habits are directly responsible for your physical health. Acne is a severe skin problem which is also related to eating habits and food. It is caused by the excessive secretion of sebum, an oily substance

Causes Of Skin Peeling On Fingers?

Hi there! Nothing serious but I have one problem of mine which needs to be addressed. I have this odd disease of skin peeling in winters. I do not face any such situations during summer season but when its winter’s my skin starts to peel off badly. Tak

Blisters On Fingers causes?

From some time I am seeing blisters on finger. These blisters are causing uppermost layer skin of my hand getting detach

Bruises On Legs For No Reason?

I have found bruises on legs for no reason and that is a cause of worry for me. Its due to these bruises that I am not able to wear my choice of clothes. I am always expected to wear those bigger clothes so that it do not keep in cont

Cause Of Rash Around Mouth?

Hello everyone! I am 18 years old and I am a model. I am very much conscious about my body and looks. I have been given a modelling assignment which is schedule for next week. I didn’t want anything to go wrong but it has gone wrong for me. I have been

Cure For Sand Flea Bites?

I am 24 years and I was on the Miami beach last weekend. I received a bite on my upper body. The area has  turned red and itchy. Red blotches have appeared, with accompanied excessive itching. Swelling has developed  at the place of bite. I h

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