Diet and acne : Acne fighting foods

Acne problem

It’s a well known fact that your diet and eating habits are directly responsible for your physical health. Acne is a severe skin problem which is also related to eating habits and food. It is caused by the excessive secretion of sebum, an oily substance produced by sebaceous glands of your skin. These glands secrete sebum into hair follicles, on the face and scalp which result in blackheads and acne breakouts. Sebum production is directly related with the intake of fatty foods.

There are many products available to cure acne but consuming a healthy diet can help to fight acne naturally. Treatment of acne requires an understanding of the causes and an acne-fighting treatment plan. Let’s find out some acne fighting foods and foods that you should avoid in order to prevent the occurrence of acne. Read on.

Acne-Fighting Foods

The foods below will help in fighting acne. These ingredients would help maintain your complexion and prevent future acne and blackheads.

1. High-fiber foods

Many foods have high fiber content. High-fiber foods help to charge your metabolism, maintain overall health and enable the body to discard excess oil.

2. Foods rich in vitamin A and zinc

Zinc and vitamin A control the secretion of sebum. Vitamin A is effective in fighting acne. Apple is also rich in vitamins and give you all the nutrients you need to reduce your skin’s toxicity levels. The pulp of watermelon is also very good for a clear skin.

3. Foods rich in vitamin B & E

Vitamin B has healing properties in it. Deficiency of vitamin E is also a cause of acne. Vitamin E is known to make skin more beautiful and healthy.

4. Garlic

Garlic helps to reduce the cholesterol level. It also helps to reduce toxins. Acne can be removed by using the mixture of garlic juice and warm water.

5. Green tea

It helps in preventing acne as well as reducing the signs of aging.

6. Milk

Drink skim milk regularly. Milk will give your skin an elasticity that prevents wrinkles. Milk has its natural ability to moisturize skin from inside . Soy milk is rich in vitamins and may help to reduce acne.

8. Water

Water is very important in keeping your body hydrated. It is essential for skin care and overall health. Drink at least 2 liter water a day to keep your skin clear, clean and acne-free. Water will also help cleanse your body from toxins.

9. Barley

Barley is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber helps the body to metabolize the fat, cholesterol, and carbohydrate whereas insoluble fiber helps in healthy digestion.

10. Healthy fats

Walnuts, light cheeses, low fat milk, almond butter and olive oil are healthy fats. They nourish your skin from the inside out. Seeds and nuts are rich in Omega 3 oils. Omega-3 fats may reduce the severity or appearance of acne breakouts. Due to the risk of mercury and other contaminants, pregnant women and small children are advised to consume less.

Foods that should be avoided to prevent acne

Fatty and heavy foods should be avoided. Here’s a list of foods that are bad for the body and cause acne. So, try to stay away from these.

1. Sugars and sweeteners

The harmful bacteria in the stomach, grow on sugar. So, try to avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar.

2. Dairy products

Most of the dairy products slow down the digestion of other foods and allow bacteria to grow on them. The only acne-friendly dairy product is yogurt – made of raw and non-pasteurized milk. Yogurt is easy to digest than milk.

In order to maintain the overall health of your body and skin, it is also important to improve your intake of vegetables and fruits. In addition to a proper diet, it is important to choose the right medication according to your skin type, type of acne and treatment formula. If you are to start a new diet or to try a new supplement such as a multivitamin or fish oil, you should consult your doctor before doing so. People with certain medical conditions may be advised to have more or less of certain vitamins and minerals.

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