Quick tips for COPD patients


COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease happens when the lungs do not work properly and it becomes difficult for the person to breathe. This happens due to a combination of two diseases namely the Chronic bronchitis and the Emphysema. Chronic bronchitis happens when there is too much mucous in the body’s airways which makes respiratory infections occur more often. Emphysema occurs when there is damage to the lung tissue. Damage to the lung tissue makes it harder for oxygen to get into the blood due to air trapping. It causes too little oxygen to flow through the body and thus COPD causes shortness of breath, chronic cough and wheezing and makes it real difficult for the person to breathe. The person may even need external supply of oxygen when walking or even in the normal state. COPD also causes weight loss and weakness.

Thus it is essential for COPD patients to follow some guidelines. Here are a list of them:

COPD patients

The Do’s

1. Quit smoking

Smoking is a major source which causes COPD. It damages the lung tissue and weakens your passageways thus making your body more vulnerable to respiratory infections. So, slowly change your smoking pattern to ultimately stop it. Talk with the concerned doctor to know about the ways to go about it. In today’s world quitting the habit of smoking is not that difficult with many ways devised to quit smoking.

2. Avoid pollutants

To avoid pollutants, try to remain away if possible from polluted areas like industrial zones as industrial pollutants may scar or damage the lung tissue. The feathers of pets, dust and air pollution are all sources of pollution which could ultimately cause COPD.

3. Stay away from chemicals

Aerosol sprays and chemicals often cause respiratory problems. Ammonia or bleach are chief among them.

4. Exercise wisely

Do not try to exercise outdoor in extreme climates. For example, exercising outdoors in hot and humid conditions will take a toll on your body. Also in winter, if you do go out, remember to cover yourself up appropriately to avoid catching a cold.

5. Use medicines

If you are sick, try to follow the doctor’s advice and take medicines when required. Your medications might be anything from quick relief medications which are required to open up your airways or even use of steroids to build up your body power and decrease swelling of the airways.

The Don’ts

1. Avoid contact with other infected persons

A good way to enhance the degree of your disease is to be in contact with other people with similar flu or cold symptoms. Remember, yours is a communicable disease so exercise precautions.

2. Don’t forget to stay clean

It is essential that you stay clean. Washing your hands, taking bath regularly and maintaining proper hygiene is essential so that more infections do not get a chance to grow in your body.

3. Don’t forget to do regular check- ups

Do check if you have fever or not. If you feel too weak, have severe headache, nasal congestion, increased coughing or have difficulty in breathing consult your doctor. Do not try to wait and see or else the symptoms may become severe.

4. Don’t forget to maintain a healthy weight

People who are underweight may feel weak and lethargic at times and so when they do contract COPD these qualities may be far more enhanced. So it is essential that you have a god diet and always maintain a healthy weight.

5. Don’t stay awake for nights!

Yes, having a sound sleep pattern helps. It makes the body’s system remain in the rhythmic cycle. A lot of people with COPD have sleep disorders and those people with these sleep disorders might be helped if they use masks for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.


1. Do antibiotics help to fight COPD?

A. The use of prolonged use of antibiotics is not a healthy thing and is best avoided. Antibiotics are used to fight respiratory and other bacteria infections and prolonged use of it may make the body’s immune system weak. Antibiotics have side effects like vomiting and nausea too.

2. How much is exercising helpful for COPD patients?

A. Exercising always helps to make the body stay fit. Simple exercises like walking or cycling can work wonders to make you have a great body and a healthy state of mind. Too much exercising though can have adverse effects and so it is essential to know your limits.

3. Is pulmonary rehabilitation helpful for COPD patients?

A. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a great way by which people with COPD can benefit. The rehabilitation helps people to learn many things that could help them breathe better and though it won’t change the lung’s function it is a great way to relieve them of some pain.

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