Tooth decay is very common problem-area among children. In fact, a lot of parents unknowingly contribute to this problem by offering children sweets, chocolates and other sugary foods as treats for completing some work or the other. The naturally occurring bacteria present in the mouth thrives on this sugar and produces harmful acid as its by-product, which causes tooth decay and gingivitis or gum irritation, as it is more commonly known as. As most children do not rinse their mouth well or brush their teeth properly, tooth decay is very common among them.
Parents can easily prevent tooth decay among children by following some of these tips. These will also help in prevention of gum diseases among the kids:
1. Brushing
Make sure your kids brush their teeth twice a day with a fluoride based toothpaste, as this helps to remove plaque from forming on the teeth. Plaque formation can lead to tooth decay. It is also important for your kids to clean their tongue every time they brush their teeth. They could use a special tongue-cleaner or the brush itself to clean it. Make sure to replace the brush every one to three months depending on the wear and tear.
2. Flossing
If your child is aged four or above you can teach them to floss daily. Flossing removes plaque formation between the teeth and under the gum line. If the plaque thus formed is not removed through regular flossing then, it turns into tartar which can be removed only with the help of professional help. So, make sure your child flosses the teeth daily.
3. Rinsing thoroughly
Most children do not rinse their mouths well after eating, brushing and flossing. Make sure the child rinses the mouth for at least one full minute after each meal as well as after brushing teeth and flossing.
4. Avoid sugary foods
Encourage your kids to eat healthy and follow well balanced diets. Over indulging in sugary and starchy food produces plaque. Switch over to low fat dairy products including milk. Choose produces which are high in calcium for your kids, as calcium helps them to grow.
5. Avoid baby bottle while sleeping: Many parents give their kids a baby bottle of formula or milk or other liquid food while putting them to bed. This must be avoided and can be replaced with water, if need be.
6. Supervise while brushing
Young kids, who are in the 2+ age group need to be supervised while brushing their teeth as they are in the learning stage. Put a small pea-sized blob of tooth paste on a soft-bristle tooth brush and teach them how to brush their teeth. Many kids tend to swallow the toothpaste, so make sure, you teach them to spit it out after brushing.
7. Clean hands
Young kids play in mud and other germ filled places, and use the same hands to eat food. The bacteria in the hands easily make way into the kids’ mouths this way. So, make sure your kids clean their hands thoroughly before every meal, as this prevents food contamination.
8. Give fluoridated water
Whenever possible give your kids fluoridated water to drink, this is very beneficial for the kids and helps in prevention of tooth decay and other gum infections.
9. Avoid junk food
Snacking between meals is very common among growing up kids. As a parent, make sure to give healthy snacks which are high in calcium and protein. Make sure to avoid snacks which have high-sugar and starchy content.
10. Dental checkups
Take your kids for regular dental checkups as these will help in detecting any tooth problems early on. If required, you can also schedule cleaning sessions in consultations with the dentist.
As parents it is our responsibility to inculcate good dental hygiene habits in the kids. Try and make the oral hygiene routine interesting and fun. Kids will learn anything if it is taught in an interesting and fun way. Try new techniques and encourage your children to maintain good oral hygiene.
Like the famous saying goes, “prevention is better than cure.” In the case of oral hygiene it couldn’t be more apt, as many adults who suffer from tooth decay and other dental problems, face them because of negligence and poor oral hygiene in their childhood years. So, try and follow the above mentioned tips to help your child avoid tooth decay now and in later years.