The burning sensation that one experiences in the chest region, just behind the breast bone, is what is referred to as heartburn. Heartburn is generally caused due to acid reflux, where the hydrochloric acid from the stomach regurgitates into the esophageal region to give a burning discomfort. Heartburn gives an acute feeling of pain and discomfort causing false alarms and fear that your heart is giving up. The fact is that it has nothing to do with the heart and is simply because of excessive acid that is released in the surrounding area of the GI tract. Acid peptic disorders and GERD (gastro-intestinal reflux disease) are the main causes of heartburn. A lot of myths surrounding heartburn simply do not have an iota of reality behind them.
Heartburn is associated with heart disease
Heartburn has derived its name simply because the burning sensation is experienced in the gastro-intestinal tract, just behind the breast bone that covers the heart. Heartburn is purely an acid reflux discomfort that is a direct result of excessive acid in the stomach. Heart disease occasionally causes heartburn-like symptoms but they need to be evaluated with other associated cardiac symptoms to arrive at a proper diagnosis. Heartburn is not indicative of heart disease or an ailing heart.
Heartburn cannot be cured
The common perception is that once you have heartburn, it will last you a lifetime. This is not true. A proper combination of medication, diet and relaxation exercises can help you bring down the discomfort by a great proportion. Avoiding spicy food can bring down the burning sensation considerably. If the heartburn is due to pregnancy then it may disappear after delivery. Acid peptic disorders and GERD are the other causes of heartburn which can be reduced by an effective antacid therapy. Therefore, a thorough evaluation of the underlying cause of the heartburn is essential to give a long term relief from heartburn. You can avoid increasing the heartburn by following a systematic diet and refraining from food that does not suit you.
Heartburn is simply a minor discomfort
While 70% of heartburn cases have no major significance other than discomfort, there are some cases where heartburn may be the initial warning of an underlying chronic disease or abnormality. Peptic ulcers, hook worms, amoebic colitis and gastric carcinomas can all cause heartburn. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the actual cause of heartburn rather than resort to do-it-yourself remedies. Occasionally, a feeling of fullness in the stomach and heartburn can be a warning sign of an underlying heart condition. This is because the stomach as well as the heart muscle are supplied by branches of the same blood vessel. This is known as referred pain. This is why it becomes essential to visit the doctor and go according to his or her advice for the treatment of heartburn. Heartburn is also seen during pregnancy. All said and done, heartburn very often is simply an acid re-flux disorder that can be taken care of with a certain readjustment in your diet and food timings.
Only those who eat fast food suffer from heartburn
Though junk food and fast food are primarily responsible for causing gastric disturbances, they are not the sole cause of heartburn, A child may experience heartburn. Some cases of heartburn are inherited and familial. Even a person who has an impeccable diet and systematic lifestyle can be a patient of severe heartburn. These people should avoid junk food and spicy foods with high cholesterol content. Citric fruits can also aggravate heartburn and should be avoided. It is advisable to eat rough and fibrous food that stays in the stomach for a longer time and reacts with the acid present in it. Cereals and proteins, along with fresh greens and vegetables, are good for heartburn.
A bland diet can cure heartburn
Bland diet is good for heartburn but is not the final remedy. A bland diet can reduce the heartburn, but even if you eat bland foods at odd times then the heartburn will continue to bother you. You need to eat little at a time and at frequent intervals to prevent the acid from the gastric mucosa from doing any harm. Most doctors advise a bland diet that should be eaten at regular intervals to reduce heartburn. It has been observed that people on a bland diet tend to lack proper nourishment since they do not eat properly. Since there is no taste in bland foods, they begin to eat less causing more discomfort and burning due to inadequate intake of food. It is better to stick to your normal food and see that you do not over eat at any point in time.
Milk is good for heartburn
Cold milk may initially provide relief from the burning discomfort and you may feel relieved after drinking a glass of cold milk. But as time goes by, the lactic acid present in milk actually increases the production of acid in the stomach giving rise to more heartburn. Earlier, it was a home remedy for heartburn to have a glass of ice cold milk to get prompt relief from heartburn. Hot milk is not recommended for heartburn as it may trigger the churning of more acid in the stomach. Ice cream is found to be good to alleviate heartburn and does give relief from the burning discomfort.
Stress increases heartburn
Stress on its own is not a proven cause for heartburn. However, it has been found that people under duress resort to irregular food intake or indulge in bad habits such as smoking or alcohol intake which can directly result in heartburn. A stressful person is very fidgety and cannot concentrate on what he or she is doing. That is why stress can make a person behave unpredictably and food intake is one of the main things that is affected. Some stressed people resort to binge eating whereas others may avoid food altogether. Both these are harmful for the GI tract functioning and can primarily cause heartburn. Stress during exams or interviews has found to give heartburn but this is a transient condition that does not last long.
Fasting is a good remedy for heartburn
Fasting is not at all recommended for an individual who complains of heartburn. An empty stomach contains a lot of hydrochloric acid that may erode the lining of the gastric mucosa, giving rise to intestinal disorders such as peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer. People with heartburn need to consume at least a little food at regular intervals to allow the acid to react with food substances rather than do irreversible damage to the stomach lining. Many diet regimes advocate the importance of fasting in their therapy. But you need to be cautious since a diet regime applied for a different condition cannot benefit you for another condition. In fact, it could have serious repercussions due to the production of excessive acid produced by the gastric cells.
Only acidic foods can cause heartburn
It is a myth that only acidic foods can cause heartburn. Some people are sensitive to certain foods such as gluten, gum or chocolates. These are not acidic and can yet cause heartburn in many individuals. An empty stomach and irregular timings of food intake are a major cause of heartburn in the working class. Housewives who normally complete all their household chores and then sit for a relaxed meal also often land up with heartburn.
Antacids can cure all types of heartburn
Antacids are good for those cases where the heartburn is caused due to excessive production of acid and acid reflux disorders. Moreover, antacids simply reduce the discomfort and do not cure the actual underlying cause of the heartburn. Some disorders require higher medications such as proton pump inhibitors or H2 antagonists. These are not antacids and can be taken under the guidance of a general practitioner. Antacids such as Tums are good to give relief only from the burning sensation. Antacids, if used for a long time, have their own side effects. It has been found that proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole can lead to brittle bones if taken for more than a year.
Heartburn patients should only sleep in the sitting position
While a sitting position prevents food from regurgitating in the esophagus, this is not the only way to prevent heartburn at nights. You can simply turn to one side and curl up for a good night’s sleep. The principle behind this is that if the esophagus is at a lower level than the stomach, then the stomach contents can find their way back into the esophageal tube due to an acid reflux. Simply keeping a pillow below your back can work wonders for heartburn relief, especially during the night. It is also advisable to eat at least two hours before retiring for the day to prevent an acid reflux.