Modern methods which aid conception

Today development in technology and science has come to rescue many couples who are struggling with infertility and are incapable of giving birth to an offspring naturally. Their incapability to do so arises from a number of factors including low or unhealthy sperms in male and infertility issues in females. Such couples can undergo artificial insemination procedures to help increase their chances of becoming pregnant. Artificial insemination is a procedure that enhances the chances of impregnating a female by fertilizing her egg with male sperm cells through a method other than sexual intercourse. Here are some modern artificial methods to help you become pregnant.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is an invasive method that is preferred by most couples suffering from infertility issues, especially women whose partner does not have enough sperms to fertilize the ovule. Intrauterine insemination procedure includes finding a potential sperm donor who matches the needs of the infertile couple. Once the donor is found his sperms are collected through artificial ejaculation. The spermatozoa are separated from most other components of the seminal fluids. This sperm specimen is then shipped to a fertility clinic where women can visit right before or during ovulation. The sperm is then injected directly into the uterus of the woman.

In some cases, where the partner is sub-fertile, the sperm sample is taken and treated in the fertility lab to increase its potency. After treatment, these sperms are used for insemination. If the woman is infertile then she can take fertility medicine to produce more eggs of better quality.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves fertilizing the eggs selectively. Different fertility medications are given to the women to stimulate the ovaries. Post simulation, the egg is ejected from the ovary and is retrieved from the follicles artifically. This egg is later fertilized in the In Vitro Fertilization lab. The fertilization takes place when sperm is artificially injected into an egg. This process is known as ICSI and is widely preferred by both infertile men and women alike.

Doctors select the healthiest looking sperms which can swim well and are right shaped from the sample. Then these sperms are injected into the egg. Once fertilized, these eggs develop into embryos. These embryos are placed back into the uterus. Eventually these embryos grow and after nine months develop into infants.

Donor eggs

Women who are incapable of producing eggs on their own can benefit from using donor eggs. The eggs from some other women are retrieved artificially. These eggs are then fertilized by injecting male partner sperms into these eggs. The fertilized eggs then develop into embryos. These embryos are then implanted into the recipient female uterus.

Prior to implantation, the recipient is treated with different fertility medications to increase the thickness of the uterine lining in order to make uterus perfect for implantation. The offspring genetically belongs to the male partner as his sperms were used while the female plays the role of the carrier. In some rare cases, both the partners suffer from fertility issues. In such circumstances, the prospective mother can use donor egg as well as donor sperms to get pregnant.

Embryo adoption

Most of the times when a couple undergoes In Vitro Fertilization, several embryos are produced. The unwanted embryos are donated so that other needy couples can benefit from them. These embryos can be adopted by any infertile woman and she can get one implanted in her uterus. The prospective mother has to take certain medications to prepare her uterus for implantation. This procedure is named Embryo Adoption as the couple who opts for it is not the genetic parent of the offspring, just as in case of child adoption. The only difference is that the former adoption takes place at a cellular stage and is carried by the adoptive woman.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) was introduced in 1992 and has proved promising in treatment of male fertility problems. This procedure is ideal for males suffering from low sperm count, sperm mobility issues and unhealthy sperms. Sometimes vas deferens, the tube that carries serum, is incapable of carrying the seminal fluid. In all abovementioned cases ICSI can help you impregnate your partner.

This procedure is more or less like IVF. The sample of serum is collected and doctors look for the healthiest sperm amongst other sperms. The only difference in ICSI and IVF is that in former the selected sperm is directly injected into the egg of the women by inserting a needle through women vaginal walls, while in latter it takes place at a fertility laboratory.

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) is a method to get artificially pregnant but is far behind the aforesaid methods. When the female partner approaches her menstrual cycle, the doctor prescribes fertility drugs that will stimulate her ovaries to produce eggs. The doctor uses ultrasound technology to detect the maturation of eggs. Once the eggs mature, the doctor removes the eggs artificially. The egg is then fertilized with male sperms inside the fallopian tubes of the female using a fiber-thin tube, laparoscope. Eventually the egg develops into an embryo and after nine months into an infant.

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)

This method is not very popular among couples opting for assisted pregnancy; still it has worked wonders for many couples. Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) is recommended when the female partner suffers from ovulation problems. This method is more or less like GIFT except the fact that in ZIFT the egg is taken to a laboratory, while in GIFT the fertilization takes place inside the fallopian tubes. In ZIFT, the doctor combines the eggs with the partner’s sperm in a dish and monitors them closely to make sure fertilization occurs. Once it is fertilized, it develops into a zygote. This zygote is then implanted back into female uterus using ultrasound technology. In some cases where the sperm count of the male is also low, GIFT is used in conjunction with ZIFT.

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