Liver Failure

Liver Failure: Help, Support and Overcome

Liver Failure Overview

Liver is a vital organ located IN the right upper region of abdomen. It performs a wide range of functions like detoxification, synthesis of proteins and biochemical required for digestion. The liver has many other important functions including control of metabolism, hormone production and decomposition of blood cells. Thus, liver failure, if left untreated in the initial stages, can prove fatal.


Liver failure implies that it loses its capacity to function normally and starts deteriorating slowly. Since liver failure causes degradation of critical functions like blood clotting, detoxification of blood, production of bile required for digestion, metabolizing medications, removing waste, producing number of essential proteins and enzymes required for maintaining health, storing minerals and energy, it leads to fatal conditions. There are both external signs of liver failure as well systemic changes to the physiology of the affected individual.

Help and Support for Liver Failure

The onset of liver failure may be gradual and it manifests itself with symptoms like fatigue and viral gastroenteritis. Chronic liver failure is caused by long term diseases like liver cirrhosis. It is possible to reverse the progression of further liver damage but if the damage is permanent it can not be reversed. Since liver failure is a fatal disease, it is most essential to seek medical care in case the individual has a history of hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver, congestive heart failure or unexplained nausea, diarrhea or weakness. It is not advisable to take over the counter drugs for any liver problems.


Early symptoms of liver failure are not specific as liver is an organ with multiple functions and the symptoms may be taken as indigestion or chronic fatigue. Serious symptoms are ascites (swelling of abdomen and build up of fluids); vomiting blood or rectal bleeding; passing out; change in mental functioning like confusion, delirium and hallucinations; jaundice and shortness of breath.


Liver diseases begin with inflammation and enlargement and, in early stages, this can be reversed. But, if left untreated, these conditions lead to fibrosis that slowly replaces healthy liver tissues. Even this condition can be reversed to some extent. Untreated scarred liver tissues lead to cirrhosis which represent a completely damaged liver.


The causes of liver failure that initiate the above mentioned pattern are alcohol abuse, autoimmune hepatitis (bodyโ€™s own immune system attacking the liver), hepatitis B or C, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, overdose of certain drugs, poisoning, acute hepatitis A and glycogen storing diseases.

Overcome Liver Failure

It is necessary to keep away from alcoholism, exposure to certain toxins, exposure to hepatitis, high triglyceride levels, overuse of corticosteroids and obesity. Hepatitis risk can be reduced by avoiding unprotected sex. There are many organizations providing a helping hand to alcoholics to overcome this habit which leads to liver failure. They help the individual realize that he is not alone going through the psychological stresses that drive him to drink. With proper counseling and medical treatment the victim of alcoholism can avert the fatal condition.


The formation of scar tissue in liver in the advance stages of liver failure is a permanent condition. But, the treatment aims at slowing the progression of damage and treats the other complications. Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and the condition of the patient. Alcohol induced liver disease requires abstinence form alcohol and treatment of hepatitis requires use of corticosteroids. Liver transplant is also one of the options by using a healthy donor liver.


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