Chemical exposure is defined as the coming of contact with chemicals- many of which are toxic, and in today’s day and age it is an increasingly common aspect of life, so much so that we take it for granted. However medical research is delving into this issue and finding that it is far serious than previously thought. Chemical exposure in men can result in chronic diseases which range from type- diabetes and high blood pressure to even cardiovascular diseases. What’s more- many toxic chemicals are also being linked with neurodevelopment issues. Let’s delve into this subject a little:
Hidden dangers
Everyday chemicals are everywhere around us: food, plastics, furniture, electronics, cookware and even shampoo. Our body’s regulating system is sensitive as it is and now researchers and scientists are finding that a toxic chemical- one so easily found around us can disrupt the natural progression of the system. A
link between diseases in men and chemicals found in daily use products had never been ruled out, but the effects could be so devastating, this fact is being realized only now. The easiest remedy or panacea against any virus is to take precautionary measures against it but what if the chemical is mixing with the food we consume or is dissolved through the hair follicles when one applies shampoo? There is only a little that a person can do.
Not many are aware of the term Phthalate. These chemicals are unique in that they have the capacity to bind chemicals and scents. They are also capable of softening plastics. A list of daily consumer items that doesn’t contain phthalates would be shorter because it is found in everything from shampoos, conditioners, body sprays, hair sprays and perfumes to shower curtains, vinyl flooring, wall coverings and food packaging. It is even used in medical tubing and IV bags. However studies have found that exposure to phthalates can decrease IQ levels.
Staggering findings from Australia
Although chronic diseases in men due to chemical exposure was long considered in the medical and scientific community. However, recently the findings of a research done by the University of Adelaide and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) found something that surprised everyone. According to this research, there might be an association between the serious diseases among people and the levels of phthalates in their bodies.
Urine samples were collected from volunteer males aged 39-84 years old. By using self-reported questionnaires and laboratory procedure it was found that a staggering 99.6% of the samples contained phthalates. Because of this, an association was proved between the phthalate level of the body and some major disease like type-2-diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. From previous research data it became certain that western diet is directly associated with higher concentrations of phthalates. It isn’t hard to join the dots and realize that consuming processed and packaged food is the parent cause. Even the urine samples which contained such levels were due to the consumption of carbonated soft drinks. Although the volunteers were all men, the findings show that these results will likely show for women also.
Other Chemicals to watch out for
Although phthalates was the chemical of attention at these studies, there are many other chemicals that are equally dangerous. Take for example Organophosphate pesticides(PDF) which were primarily used as warfare agents in the years preceding the second world war. Today these same toxins are used in crops as pesticides! Although alternate pesticides can be used, the dangers are already out there. Studies have shown that children exposed to higher levels of this chemical have higher chances of developing ADHD.
A link between diseases in men and chemicals found in daily use products is not just limited to indoor products and scenarios. A harmless chemical like Lead can also be potentially harmful. A naturally occurring substance, lead is used in house and utensil paint. A corrosion of the paint can easily cause the Lead to make its way into water. It is also commonly found in dust particles. Lead exposure has been associated with ADHD, lower IQs and even developmental delay. And because of its nature it poses great risk to infants and toddlers.
These findings are a concern and it is time when precautionary steps should be taken by individuals and governments alike to address the issue.