Hypertension Prevention

Hypertension: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Intensive targeted strategies

Intensive targeted strategies aim to reduce hypertension levels faster in the population that is more prone to the condition. The reference group has been found to be the one with normally high blood pressure levels, having a history of hypertension in the family, the ones with African American ancestry, the groups having a vastly sedentary lifestyle, obesity and overweight individuals, groups or individuals exposed to excess amounts of sodium in their diet and lesser potassium levels and excessive consumption of alcohol.


The traits start showing up early in life. Intensive programs thus demand lifestyle changes and this will include food habits and daily routine. While the process can be made a habit by the patients, there would be no problem even when a regular visit to the clinic is not possible. If a person is traveling, even then he would be able to maintain the routine. It is more a form of self healing that is striven for.

2. Weight loss

Weight loss seems to be a very efficient strategy to reduce hypertension levels. The immediate cause of hypertension is imbalance and more than normal systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. Weight loss has been found to directly affect and lower blood pressure. A study indicated that the group that reduced body weight by 3.5 kg or 7.7 lb also reduced their diastolic and systolic blood pressure levels by 3.2 mm Hg and 5.8 mm Hg. The incidence of high blood pressure or hypertension in the group reduced to around 16 of what it was 5 years ago. Thus, a significant amount of reduction can be achieved with a weight loss regimen.


Weight loss regimen is itself a natural process and does not produce any adverse side effects. The regimen can be followed even when the person is traveling. However, weight loss should be rightly accompanied with proper diet and sleep. This gives long term benefits and does not require any significant monetary investment. Of course, the patient needs to follow a regular weight loss program that will require time and energy.

3. Dietary sodium level reduction

Dietary sodium level reduction has been proved to significantly contribute to lowering the blood pressure levels since 1993. Reduction in sodium levels is directly linked to reduction in systolic pressure levels in normotensive individuals. The effect of this technique is greater for the ones habituated to the American diet when compared to people on DASH diet. The national recommendation of sodium intake is no more than 2.4 grams per day. An even lower level of sodium is beneficial but this has been found to be the limit.


However, patients need recommendation of practitioners as to what diet would help them achieve lower sodium intake proportions. While this cannot always be effectively maintained, while traveling for instance, it will be helpful to target lower levels when you are on a medical program for reducing blood pressure levels. This also significantly asks for family support and advice to keep a check on the diet of the patient.

4. Physical exercise

Physical exercise is vital in bringing about a change in lifestyle. Regular exercises smoothens blood flow along the arteries and increases the metabolic activity of the body. Thus, the body is better able to purify itself and also expel excess sodium amounts. Aerobics has been found to be the best form of regular exercise routine to reduce systolic pressure levels. This method of intervention is found to be independent of how intensive a routine is followed. At least 30 minutes of daily exercise is recommended to bring about a healthy turn in lifestyle.


Even if the person is not at home, he/she can complete his regular exercise routine. Just free hand exercises too can supplement the intensive routines that were followed at home.

5. Reduction in alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption contributes greatly to increase in blood pressure levels. According to a study, hypertension was found to be dose dependent with reduction in pressure levels mirroring decreasing alcohol consumption. It is recommended that consumption of alcohol be restricted to 1 oz ethanol (beer), 10 oz wine, 2 oz whiskey per day for men, and for women and lower weight individuals, alcohol consumption should be no more that 0.5 oz per day.


Considerable amount of support has to be provided by family members and friends in this endeavour. Since for most alcoholics consumption is an addiction, it will be hard to reduce the levels. However, it will take time and substantial investment of money if you are considering a rehab. The routine should be maintained whether at home or outside.

6. A healthy and balanced diet

A healthy diet is probably the best way to bring about a reduction in the blood pressure levels. Your doctor would prescribe healthy dietary constituents and it is your duty to incorporate them in your regular diet. Vegetables and fruits contain healthy amounts of potassium and calcium and this can significantly contribute to lowering blood pressure levels. It will be recommended to sacrifice fast food and deep fried foods as they contain artificial fats that contribute to rise in pressure levels and lowering down of metabolism activity.


Going for a healthy diet sometimes require a bit of expense but this will be insignificant when compared to the improvements that it would bring to your health. For children, it will be advisable for parents to foster a habit of healthy eating.

7. Quit smoking

Smoking too is a major contributor to heart and lung diseases. A higher nicotine level in the lungs not only contributes to hypertension but also a variety of other lung and respiratory diseases. With imbalance in the amount of oxygen that you inhale, it will be difficult for the heart to pump pure blood, thus, increasing your systolic pressure levels.


As with alcohol consumption, smoking too requires a significant investment of time, money and strong support from family members and friends. It depends on the extent of your addiction, whether you need to go to a rehab.

8. More of omega3

Omega3 levels are found to be beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Flax seeds and cold water fish like salmon contain high amount of this fatty acid and, thus, can be an essential ingredient of a patientโ€™s diet. Omega3 raises HDL levels and lowers LDL. This facilitates in a balanced blood pressure level, thereby fostering reduced hypertension.


In some states and families, it will be a significant financial burden to acquire these foods to reduce blood pressure. However, it will be good investments as this fatty acid has been proved to work well in the condition.

9. Good nightโ€™s sleep

Lack of sleep is related to 37% of the cases of hypertension. People who get less sleep have higher BP levels. Sleep is the time when the body acts the most normal. Lesser sleep will mean more metabolism and the body will not get the time to normalize the pressures. Sleep deprivation leads to stress, which in turn contributes to hypertension.


It is always advised to get a good nightโ€™s sleep everyday. Even if you are traveling, try to guarantee that you have a place to rest during the night. Sleeping in the day hours is not the same as having a good night’s sleep. In the modern day work culture, people are extremely busy and get less time to sleep. This is also the reason that the incidents of hypertension in the urban population is increasing.

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