Expectant mother alert!: Precautions to be taken during different stages of pregnancy

Having a baby and holding it in your arms is probably the best feeling in this world. But the process of conceiving a child and going through pregnancy can be confusing and tough for many. The bodily changes as well as the excitement and apprehension of giving birth can be quite stressful. But, by following a few precautionary measures at every stage of pregnancy, you can minimize the chances of miscarriages and troubles associated with pregnancy. You must understand that pregnancy has several crucial stages and you have to follow some precautionary measures to ensure that your baby’s development is positive and healthy. Keep track of your baby’s development along with these preventatives to understand the signs of your baby’s health.

Precautions during pregnancy

Precautions to be taken from pre-conception to second week

Before you conceive, you must consult your doctor about how you should go about the whole process. If you have any medical illness, then adhere to all the precautionary measure that your doctor may tell you. This strategy helps in the long term and reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Precautions to be taken from weeks 2 to 4

Mostly, women come to know about their pregnancy by the fourth or fifth week. But if you are trying to conceive, then you must quit harmful habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking as a precautionary measure. Quitting these habits at the time of conception can help the foetus develop positively during the first two weeks of pregnancy. Alcohol and cigarettes can increase the chances of development of brain deformities or medical abnormalities in the baby and may also cause miscarriage. Therefore, quit unhealthy habits as soon as you decide to conceive. This long-term strategy is not just beneficial for you, but also for the baby. Moreover, it doesn’t require any investment of your time and money. Also, prompt your partner or spouse to quit smoking for your baby’s health because even passive smoking can cause medical conditions like asthma in your baby.

Precautions to be taken during first trimester

1. The period from conception to twelve weeks refers to the first trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period when the fetus starts to develop and human body parts are formed. This period is the most delicate stage and so, you need to be cautious about the risks and take precautionary measures so that your baby’s development process is not hindered. You will have to make several lifestyle changes to do so, including changes in your eating, sleeping and working patterns. These short term strategies would ensure that your baby is healthy in the long run.

2. Your body will undergo several changes and you may feel fatigued and nauseated throughout the day. So, as a precautionary measure, you must avoid doing strenuous tasks. Implementation of this will require support of your partner. So, ask your partner to help you in household chores. Also, you may feel sudden pains in lower abdomen or your legs. But you should refrain from taking over the counter drugs as this may affect you and the development of the fetus. Ask your doctor for what medications you might require.

3. Avoid black coffee and black tea. Make sure that you minimize the consumption of processed food items or foods that have preservatives, such as chips or hot dogs. Instead, go for fresh fruits and vegetables. Several medical studies suggest that a pregnant woman must avoid cat’s litter or excretion of small animals and rodents as it contains toxoplasmosis which can result in miscarriage.

4. Stay away from certain foods, such as fishes and tuna, as they may contain high amounts of mercury which can affect the development of the child. Pregnant women should try to stay in rooms that have been painted with lead-free paints as paints with lead may cause birth defects.

Precautions to be taken during second trimester

1. Women in the second trimester of pregnancy may feel more confident, healthy and energized. The feelings of nausea and fatigue are gone by now. This is also the period when you can travel. But as a pregnant woman, you must avoid travelling by buses, two wheelers or three wheelers during pregnancy. To implement this, try safer options like rail and air. But this should only be followed for a short term. Traveling for longer duration can stress the baby and hinder his/her development.

2. Make sure that you notice how your food is handled. Avoid eating items like raw fish or meat and drink boiled milk. Cutting boards must also be washed well. This simple change in your lifestyle can protect the fetus from bacteria and infections, and the implementation of this strategy does not require much investment of time and money.

3. This is the time when you can decide the birth process and start doing breathing exercises under the guidance of a professional trainer. Discuss these issues with your partner. Making long term strategies can be very helpful. Also you must also take care of your abdomen and make sure that nothing injures your tummy.

Precautions to be taken during third trimester

1. During this period, the body is preparing itself for childbirth. Therefore, you must take some precautionary measures. Firstly, visit your doctor at least 2 times a month to monitor your baby’s activities and to know what your diet should be. Also, if you have medical conditions such as gestational diabetes, then you must be more cautious and avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat. This lifestyle change is important for you and the health of your baby. This will also ease the process of delivery.

2. The breathing exercises under a professional trainer must continue during this stage. You must avoid carrying anything heavy or bending as this may result in pressure on your abdominal region. Most importantly, any travel must be avoided at all costs. Even air travel during the third trimester is not safe. If traveling is necessary, then you should opt for railways. Also, don’t go for saunas and hot tub sessions as overheating of water can cause problems with development of the baby. Such changes would not require much investment of time and money. But make sure that you include your partner and his ideas in every decision you take.

Always remember

Following these precautionary methods can ensure safety of mother and child and, at the same time, it can ease the stress during the different stages of pregnancy. Apart from these precautionary measures, expectant mothers must also go for regular visits to their doctor, eat nutritious food and avoid heavy exercising. Also, mothers with Rh negative blood antigens must consult their doctor for injection of Rhogam during the 28th week of pregnancy as this will prevent your body from creating antibodies that can be dangerous towards an Rh positive baby. Most importantly, you must stay positive and be excited about the changes in your body!

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