Shoulder toning exercises are extremely beneficial as it can help individuals in achieving toned shoulders. It can also prevent osteoporosis in the surrounding areas by increasing the bone mass in the area. There is a deltoids muscle on each arm. It has three parts namely, anterior, medial and posterior. Clinical research has proved that consistently exercising and a proper balanced diet will help in decreasing bone mass and even may stop bone mass as one ages. Knowledge of shoulder toning exercises is therefore helpful for an individual who want to give their shoulder muscles proper toning and thereby strengthen them.
Dumbbell shoulder press
Dumb bell shoulder press exercise is a great exercise regime to follow when an individual have limited time at his disposal. For doing this exercise, the individual should suck the navel toward his spine. The individual should breathe normally while doing these exercises. Initially the individual may not be able to suck the navel completely towards the spine. With time and constant practice, the individual will be able to suck it completely in. The individual should sit on the edge of a chair or a bench with a dumb bell in each hand. Each dumb bell should be of eight pounds weight. The person should exhale to press the dumb bells overhead without locking your elbows. Make sure that the dumb bells should touch directly over the head. Inhale deeply while lowering the dumb bells to ear level. After the dumb bells have been lowered, the process should be repeated.
Bent over dumbbell flyes
Dumb bell flyes is an excellent shoulder toning exercise. This exercise is great for the posterior deltoid muscles and also for the back of the shoulders. An individual should ensure that there is a mind and muscle connection established when you are doing this exercise. This helps in the larger back muscles to take over easily. For this exercise, five pound dumb bell should be taken in each hand. The individual should sit at the edge of a chair or a bench. The person should lean forward until the chest rests on the thighs of the person. The individual should rotate at the shoulder joints to bring the arms beside the legs and the palms should face each other. The elbows should be lifted just above the shoulders and a hundred degrees angle should be made at the elbows. Next the arms should be straightened as the individual lowers the dumb bells to the starting position.
Dumbbell shrugs
Dumb bell shrugs are extremely helpful and effective in strengthening and toning the trapezius and rhomboids muscles that are at the back of the shoulders of an individual. For doing this exercise, you need to lift weights overhead. Hence this is extremely important and effective for strength building of the shoulders without risking the rotators cuff. For doing this shoulder toning exercise, an individual need to stand with the feet shoulder width apart and should have a dumb bell in each hand. The arms should hang at the sides and the palms should face in toward the body. Next the individual should shrug the shoulders towards the ears. The individual should try not to bend their elbows, keep the back straight and the shoulder blades pulled back.
Lateral raise
The lateral raise is a kind of shoulder toning exercise which works on the three regions of the deltoids or the shoulder muscles. This exercise can be performed at home or at the gym with the help of a pair of dumb bells. An individual while doing this work out should stand with the feet shoulder width apart and must carry a dumb bell in each hand. He should begin with the arms at his sides. Slowly he should raise the arms to the other side of his body until they are in an aligned position with his shoulders. This position should be hold on for about thirty seconds before slowly lowering the arms back to the sides of your body.
Front raise
This exercise is extremely helpful for the front of the shoulder muscles. In this exercise both arms are raised simultaneously above the height of the shoulder. However, if an individual has shoulder injuries or if the core muscles do not have enough strength to maintain a stable back position while lifting the weight, it is better for such individuals to work on one arm at a time. The person should also not raise the arm above the shoulder. For doing this exercise, the individual should stand with the feet parallel and knees in a relaxed manner. One weight should be held in each hand and the palms should face the body. Inhale and then when you raise the hand to shoulder length exhale. The arms should be raised in such a manner that it is parallel to the floor. An individual can perform one set at a time or practice with alternate hands.
Dumbbell overhead press
The dumb bell overhead press works wonders for the deltoids, which are the largest muscle groups in the shoulder region. The individual should sit on a chair or a bench with an upright back. The individual have to ensure that the head, back and the shoulders should be in an upright position with the back of the chair or the bench on which the individual is seated. The exercise should begin with the weights in alignment with the shoulders. The palms should face the ceiling and the individual should inhale deeply. As the person exhales, he should straighten his arms and press the weights over the head. The back of your body should not be bent. This exercise can also be done with a barbell.
Pull ups
Pull ups focus on the muscles on either side of an individual’s back and the muscles on the shoulder area. A bar can be hung at a height so that the feet of the person d not touch the ground. The individual should try to pull the body up without swinging his legs. The body should be raised till the chin of the individual is over the bar. The arms should be slowly extended to lower the body back down. The process should be repeated for effective toning of the shoulder muscles.