Decongestion home measures for cold

Home measures for cold

Enter the winter season and a host of respiratory illnesses follow us and cause great discomfort and irritation. Whether it is cough, cold or some other respiratory problem, we are proactive as to pop up pills galore that we have stocked up at home. Frequent intake of antibiotics and other medications will not only decrease your resistance to diseases, but will also reduce the effect of the medications on your body. Here are some wonderful home remedies to try out when you have cold:

1. Warm mist humidifiers

How to use

They can be used for moistening the atmosphere while you sleep as this will keep your nose free from blockage and help you sleep better without discomfort.

How it works

Humidifiers are great for clearing nasal passages and give instant relief for the patient. Humidifiers help in moistening the atmosphere which will also moisten your nasal passages, thereby thinning the mucus that is trapped inside. Warm humidifiers release hot steam into the air.

Do’s and don’ts

However, humidifiers are useful only for relieving the blockage from the nose, not treating the actual reason behind a cough or a respiratory infection that could be causing the blockage. Warm mist humidifiers also pose the risk of burn and fire hazards and must be kept away from children. You may use a cold humidifier instead of a warm one in such cases to keep fire hazards and accidents.

2. Saline nasal spray

How to use

Fill a Neti pot or a bulb syringe with this water and tilting your head to one side, squirt the water into one nose, keeping the other nostril closed. Allow the water to drain through the other nostril. This procedure can be repeated 2-3 times.

How it works

Saline nasal sprays can be bought readymade from the shops or prepared at home. They can be used for irrigating the nasal passage and removing the mucus that is trapped inside. To prepare at home, take 1/4th teaspoon salt and equal amount of baking soda and add to a cup of water that is warm. Saline nasal sprays will also remove the bacteria and virus that is trapped inside the nose.

Do’s and don’ts

Saline nasal sprays must not be used for more than 3 days as it will aggravate the problem. Give a gap of at least a week tow before you can undertake the procedure again.

3. Saline gargles

How to use

For making saline water, take half a teaspoon of salt and add one cup of water to this. Take the water right down into your throat and gargle thoroughly. This can be done 3-4 times a day.

How it works

Saline and salt water gargles help an itchy and irritated throat and offers temporary relief from soreness and pain.

Do’s and don’ts

Avoid saline gargles on a regular basis if you have high blood pressure. Gargling can also be done with honey, lemon or teas which are all soothing to your throat.

4. Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation is one of the best ways to relive all blockages from the nose. This is one of the most popular and simplest remedy for treating nasal blockages.

How to use

For inhaling steam, take a pot and fill it with water. Boil the water and place it on a comfortable surface. Use a long towel that will cover the entire pot and your face. Now hold your face close to the pot and inhale the steam through the nose.

How it works

The hot steam from the boiling water will loosen the mucus that is hardened inside. Continue inhalation for 15-20 minutes at a stretch. You will soon get a running nose with inhaling the stem.

Do’s and don’ts

Do not try to sniff the mucus back into your nose as all the germs will be directed back into your head and nose and you might get ear infection. Keep one nostril closed and blow your nose hard so that the phlegm is removed out. Do this until you feel that your nostrils are open. Continue with the other nostril. Repeat this 2- 3 times a day to stay relieved from the symptoms. This will also prevent the germs from multiplying.

Steam inhalation can be done while you take bath as well. Keep the door closed while you use the heater. Open the tap so that the steam fills the room. You can inhale and exhale for 20 minutes and remove the mucus before you have a warm shower.

Useful tips

It is important to stay warm when you have cold. As your body’s immune system will be fighting a battle with the germs, it is natural that the body gets fatigued. Taking rest and staying warm will help the body to fight the symptoms and the germs more effectively and you will soon feel better.

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