
Constipation: Help, Support and Overcome

Constipation Overview

Constipation is a condition where bowel movements are hard to pass and are infrequent. It causes painful defecation and, if left untreated for a long time, it leads to many serious conditions. This condition is very common and it is estimated that up to 30% people suffer from this condition chronically or occasionally. This also causes hard and dry stools difficult to eliminate. Constipated people find the bowel movement painful and experience straining.


Medically, constipation is defined as lesser than three stools per week and it is considered serious condition if there is less than one stool in a week. In case, constipation has shad udden onset and gets worsened even after simple treatments it requires medical attention immediately. If this condition is associated with weight loss, it is a serious condition and calls for tests like abdominal X-rays, blood test, barium enema, physical examination, defecography and colonic motility studies.


However, constipation is not a disease but a symptom and almost everyone gets the condition occasionally as it is the result of poor diet habits, less intake of fluids and lack of sleep, all of which disturb the normal bowel movements. Occasional constipation is temporary, and with some care and treatment it is possible to get immediate relief.

Help and Support for Constipation

Constipation is caused by eating foods that provide little or no fiber and are high in fat. Irritable bowel syndrome also manifests as constipation. Certain medications like antacids, pain killers, antidepressants, blood pressure medications and diuretics are known to cause constipation. Constipation is a common complaint during pregnancy. Lack of physical activity, especially in older people, results in constipation. Many ignore the urge to have bowel movements habitually, which leads to constipation. Dehydration is another important factor contributing to this condition.

Overcome Constipation

Treatment of constipation depends on the duration and severity of the condition and if there is no other physical condition (like systemic disorder or neurological disorders) involved, dietary and lifestyle changes help to overcome constipation. It is necessary to have enough fiber in food, which helps to form bulky and soft stools. Common foods with high content of fiber are whole grains, beans, bran cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. One must reduce the intake of foods with no fiber like cheese, processed foods and ice cream.


Other than diet, lifestyle plays a major role in regular bowel movements. Engaging physical exercise, paying attention to have bowel movement by reserving sufficient time, avoid becoming dehydrated and consuming fruit and vegetable juice prevent the occurrence of constipation and also cure the condition.


Laxatives are recommended for getting immediate relief from constipation and they must be used along with changes in diet and lifestyle, if they do not yield immediate relief. There are many types of laxatives like bulk forming laxatives, stimulants, stool softeners, lubricants, etc. Bulk forming laxatives work as fiber supplements and are safest. With the adoption of changes in lifestyle, dietary habits and having exercises, constipation can be easily cured, and it is not an exaggeration to say that regular and easy bowel movement is an indicator of good health.

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