Common FAQs related to menopause and sexual health

Menopause is a transition phase that can lead to many physical and mental imbalances. Various symptoms like hot flashes, night-sweats, sleep issues occur along with other symptoms like decreased sexual desire. Women experience a decrease or variation in sexual interest due to the various changes physiological changes like surge or dip in hormonal levels. Decrease or loss of estrogen during and after this phase, can bring about many changes in your sexual health also. But, it is important to find solutions to all the problems which interfere with your wellness and be better informed about the various treatments, making necessary changes in diet, lifestyle and so on.

Listed below are some commonly asked questions about menopause and the changes it brings in your sexual health.

1. How does menopause affect sexual health?

Decline in the levels of estrogen following this phase, can cause variation in a woman’s sexual interest and usual functioning. Such women find difficulty in getting aroused, are less reactive towards feelings, all leading to lowered sexual interest.

2. What are the changes which occur in the reproductive organs and how do they interfere with normal sexual functioning?

Due to changes in some hormones, blood circulation also differs to the sexual organs like vagina. Inadequate supply of blood to these organs in turn, decreases the lubrication in the area. As a result, vaginal dryness increases, leading to painful intercourse. Hormonal disturbances play havoc with your emotions and further magnify the problem.

3. How can vaginal dryness be treated?

Synthetic lubricants can be used to treat the condition, it is better to use those lubricants which are water-soluble rather than water insoluble ones as they provide a favorable medium for microbial growth. This is especially seen in case of women with compromised or a weak immune system.

4. Are other factors involved in loss of sexual drive other than decrease in estrogen levels?

Many other symptoms, medication used can further increase the problem. Psychological disturbances like stress, feeling more anxious or depressed and other health concerns (bladder problems, lessened mobility due to osteoporosis) which come along with this phase, affect sexual health altogether. A change in your overall-health status ultimately is responsible for this reduced interest in sexual activity.

5. What are the various treatments which need to be followed to manage the symptoms of menopause?

Some treatments like HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy, alternative therapies are available, but, should be taken only under supervision of a specialist as they might not be suitable for everyone. HRT may work by reducing the symptoms like vaginal dryness. Medicines can be prescribed by your doctor for relief but it is important to understand all the risks, recommendations and benefits associated. Studies are ongoing regarding hormonal therapies – using different combination of hormones. Various counselling sessions by a professional in the field may help to deal with and manage problems related to your sexual health.

6. Do I still carry the risk to develop STD’s?

It is equally important to protect yourself from STD’s – Sexually Transmitted Diseases by taking necessary precautions. You are equally prone as others as long as you are sexually active and the risk has nothing to do with current changes in your body, be it even menopause.

7. Do dietary regulations or other modifications have an impact on existing symptoms and overall health?

Some natural remedies like using flaxseed, soy in diet has been found to immensely benefit people suffering from menopause. It is essential to know about the basic dietary guidelines as some foods decrease the symptoms and others make them worse. The main focus should be to improve your overall health which in turn directly causes an impact on your sexual health too.

It is important to eliminate or find solutions for any pain in the body, emotional disturbances inside the body through medicines, relaxation techniques, so as to prevent them from interfering your sexual health.

8. Does menopause affect sexual functioning in all women?

No, it doesn’t. Actually the truth is, some women have a better sexual life during menopausal period as it frees them from unwanted fear of pregnancy, no added responsibilities at this age and they tend to enjoy this phase more in terms of sexual drive, relaxation etc.

So, it is essential to understand all the changes which accompany this phase and follow all coping strategies which will help you to get relief from the discomfort due to the symptoms. A positive approach ultimately, will help tide over this midlife crisis.

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