Common ENT Disorders

ENT Disorders- A common but grave problem

Ear-Nose-Throat disorders are one of the most common diseases which threaten the human body during winter months. Not only do they lead to consistent disruptions in your regular schedule but they also leave a feeling of nausea, heaviness and fatigue. Moreover, wintry days are the most suitable time for such infections to grow. As the temperature reduces, feasible conditions for the multiplication of these viruses increase. Thereby, it is vital that you remain vigilant and protect yourself against all such ailments. Nonetheless, here is a list of a few common ENT disorders which will help you understand them better and eliminate them altogether.

1. Tonsillitis

Inflamed Tonsils is one of the most common diseases which infect children and adults alike, though the former are much more vulnerable to its impact. They lead to acute pain while breathing or swallowing and thus cause severe throat infection, consistent headaches and change in voice patterns. Instead of going in for complete tonsil removal, you may try using antibiotics to bring the enlarged tonsils back to their original shape and size. Medicines have generally been found to be quite effective in this regard. Nevertheless, if the pain remains acute and does not smoothen out with time, ‘tonsillectomy’ would be the only viable option. By means of this surgery, your tonsils would be permanently removed, thereby, causing you to get rid of this infection once and for all.

2. Infected Ears

The most common cause for all sorts of ear infections is the entry of germs, via different means and sources into the ear, and remaining trapped there for a long period of time. If you begin experiencing continuous pain, have hearing loss, there appears to be difficulty in the maintenance of your sense of balance or if there is the excretion of a thick yellowish substance from your ears, it is time you rush in to consult your doctor over the infection you have just contracted. If allowed to develop, it might spill over to your respiratory system as well, causing immense breathing related issues! However, be sure that under no condition you pull your ears outwards or rub them inwards. This will only accentuate the situation. The doctor may recommend you some ear drops, or in acute cases he/she might insert a tube into your ear for some time. This will gradually rectify the membranous issues and will get you back to normal.

3. Sinus Infections

Clinically called the cavities of vocal resonance, sinuses surround your nose and eyes, thus building an inevitable connection between them. When they become exposed to the effects of a bacteria or a virus, they result into a commonly occurring problem called Sinusitis. Its symptoms include having a runny nose coupled with consistent sneezing and coughing. More so, there is a pain around the eyes and nose and headaches soon follow up. This problem too can be rectified by means of simple antibiotics provided they are taken as per the doctor’s prescription. Also, drinking boiled water and taking adequate rest goes a long way in accelerating the treatment of Sinus problems.

4. Sleep Apnea

While sleeping, if you find it difficult to breathe, you are undoubtedly a victim of sleep apnea. Though, in medical parlance, this problem is associated with being overweight or having a short air tract, but with ENT infections, this problem can grow by remarkable proportions. If you snore, feel tired, go through depression or have a very sore throat, rest assured, that the disease has carved its space in your body. If it is not treated at the right time, it may lead to some tragic consequences which include mood changes, depression or even heart failure in extreme cases! It is only by means of a surgery that this ailment can be effectively treated.

Despite the fact that these ENT disorders are commonly occurring, you must seek adequate treatment for them lest they harm your immune system in the long run. Having a healthy diet, taking adequate rest, keeping your body hydrated and being medically well-stocked can aid you in dealing with these problems in a much effective manner. Nonetheless, always remember that ENT disorders can be efficiently treated only by an ENT specialist. So, make sure the doctor you choose for your treatment, is specialized in curing such diseases.

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