Cold Sores Prevention

Cold Sores: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Take the help of medications

You can take the help of certain medications for the prevention of the outbreak of sores. There are some anti-viral medicine for cold sores (like Zovirax and Denavir). In fact, some of these over-the-counter measures are very effective in the initial stages of the cold sores. One such ointment is Abreva. The only thing that will matter to you is its cost which is much higher than other ointments available on the shelves; however, the extra cost is worth it as the cold sores can be stopped in just one day.

2. Be aware of triggers for cold sore

If you want to prevent cold sores, then you need to be aware of the triggers which cause the outbreaks for you. You must avoid or cut back the ones that cause you most problems. Some of the standard cold sore triggers responsible for the outbreak are stress, cold, hormonal changes like menstrual period, prolonged exposure to sun, high acid foods like tomatoes and feeling run down.

3. Take care of your lips

Whenever you are out in the sun, make sure that you have applied a lip ointment. You need to watch out that your lips don’t become cracked and dry. A variety of ointments are available for this purpose, choose one which suits you best.

4. Eat yogurt every day

Yogurt is very effective when it comes to prevention of cold sores.You can have yogurt with your breakfast, or with lunch or as an afternoon snack. You just have to make sure that you eat it daily, however you manage it.

5. Wash your hands regularly

Washing your hands regularly becomes especially important when you are trying to prevent the outbreak of any communicable condition like cold sores. Our hands often get in contact with our mouth, for example while eating, so it is necessary that they are clean otherwise the condition can spread. Wash your hand after going to the bathroom, after applying ointments and creams to your cold sore, after eating and every time you touch your face.

6. Take a lysine supplement every day

If you feel that you are about to have a cold sore, the you must start taking a lysine supplement each day. Lysine can be applied either directly to the affected area or can be taken internally. Lysine supplement is perhaps one of the best treatments for cold sores. You can prevent or actually stop the outbreak completely if you apply lysine as soon as there is a tingling feeling.

7. Boost your immune system

If you want to prevent cold sores, then it is very important that your immune system is strong. Taking vitamin supplements and eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables everyday boosts your immune system making it strong enough to fight the virus responsible for the cold sore formation. At the first sign of a cold sore, take extra vitamin C in order to limit its progress. People with weak immune system are more likely to develop a cold sore.

8. Avoid certain types of food products

If you suffer from recurrent cold sore outbreaks, then you must start avoiding certain types of food. A cold sore can be triggered if you are in the habit of eating foods which are high in arginine. Some of the popular food products which have a high concentration of arginine are peanuts, peanut butter and chocolates. These food items may appear to be very tempting, but if you want to prevent the outbreak of cold sores, then it is better to stay away from them.

9. Reduce stress in your life

Stress can be held responsible for the outbreak of cold sores in many cases. Stress has the ability of triggering a cold sore outbreak. The herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) causes cold sore. Cold sore can lay dormant for several years. Stress makes the situation suitable for the outbreak of cold sore and acts as the catalyst, therefore, it is necessary to maintain a distance from stress.

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