Chlamydia Prevention

Chlamydia: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Periodic screening and seeking timely medical help

Screening at regular intervals helps in early diagnosis and further treatment so as to prevent further complications. Community health workers should notify people about tests for common STDs like chlamydia. Pregnant women and other women at greater risk should get themselves tested at frequent intervals. A doctor should be consulted in case of similar symptoms or when in doubt.

2. Practice safe sexual methods and educate yourself about STDs like chlamydia

Some preventive measures for protection during intercourse, like regular use of condoms, help to prevent such infections to a large extent by reducing the transmission of infection. It is also important to be aware about the risk factors for such diseases and take necessary precautions while maintaining sexual contact. Male latex condoms and cervical diaphragms are found to be effective in preventing such infections. It is important for couples to communicate with each other regarding the different preventive measures. It is advised by doctors that women should avoid douching (frequent cleansing of the vagina) as it causes an imbalance in the number of useful bacteria which may increase infections like chlamydia.

3. Education and counseling sessions

Individuals at risk should opt for informative and counseling sessions to equip themselves and take measures to prevent the infection through transmission. Behavioral and interactive counseling sessions benefit all sexually active adolescents to prevent such infections.


It is essential to know the various symptoms of chlamydia infection to gain an understanding about such infections. In case of similar symptoms, you should consult the doctor at the earliest and get it treated right away. It is very important to be responsible by being upfront with your partner and your clinician about the same.

4. Abstinence from sexual intercourse

Chlamydia infection is a sexually transmitted disease, so abstaining from sexual contact minimizes chances of infection.Avoiding sexual contact, especially if you suspect an incidence of the disease, or the visibility of any related symptoms in your partner is the safest option. Keep in mind that birth control pills and other contraceptive means will not prevent you from infection, even though safer methods like use of condoms reduce the risk.

5. Frequent testing for the presence of infection in people under the age of 25 years and people with multiple partners

Testing for the infection even in absence of any symptoms at least once a year is usually recommended by doctors for this particular group due to their higher chances of getting infected.

6. Refrain from having multiple sexual partners

Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of such infections. It is safe to be in a faithful, long term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner rather than having multiple partners. Everyone should go for screening before initiating sexual relations to check or reduce the risk for future disease transmission.ย 

7. Proper use of prescribed drugs (antibiotics) by the infected person to avoid further infection to the partner

The person infected should complete the suggested course of drugs prescribed in order to prevent the risk of repeated infections (due to lack of significant immunity following infection), and avoid spreading the infection back and forth to the partner.ย It is important to let your partner know if you have the infection.

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