Bulimia Nervosa Prevention

Bulimia Nervosa: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Analyzing family history

The first step towards prevention of the disease is to carefully analyze the family history of an individual. According to research, bulimia has some genetic components. The closeness of blood relation of a bulimic patient with its future generation acts as a vital determinant. So, an immediate grandparent with bulimia is more likely to pass on the same to their offspring. Thus, if you belong to such a situation, you need to keep an eye on your child. See if the child is trying to go on diet, or if he or she is working out more than required. If you see any deviation from normal, check it in the initial stage as it will restrain the disease from aggravating.

2. Strengthening support system in the family

Another way of preventing your kid from getting affected with bulimia nervosa is to strengthen your support system. It has been found that majority of the children who develop eating disorder during their teenage, suffer from inferiority complex. They consider themselves inferior to their peers in any particular aspect. This prompts them to develop crash dieting in order to build envious physique. This is the only way they want to feel superior. So, parents need to compliment their kids on occasions of their positive achievements. They should not be the victim of constant bullying and abusing. This cash less preventive measure can be practiced anywhere and seeks the involvement of the whole family.

3. Encourage balanced meal

Bulimia nervosa develops especially when a patient feels that the diet he or she is consuming is improper and unhealthy. This forces the patient to take up faddish food in order to maintain a good physique. Thus, this preventive method requires the participation of the whole family. Encourage healthy eating habit in the family. The meal should be well balanced and comprise of ample of fruits, vegetables, gains and cereals. Develop the sense of healthy eating in every member of the family too. This will be the most economical, yet effective way to curb the occurrence of the disease among any of the members in the family.

4. Minimize work pressure

Medical reports suggest that stress from work is one of the important causes that make a person bulimic. Therefore, it is extremely important to overcome stress. Patients of bulimia switch over to faddish dieting in order to minimize stress. But, the safer alternative to overcome stress is to do something constructive. You can read, listen to music and develop other positive hobbies to indulge in after your work. You can also seek the help of your family or the community you live in, so that a healthy pastime can be arranged that will rejuvenate you. A safer way of combating stress will never make you vulnerable to bulimia nervosa. You can adhere to constructive means for dispelling your stress wherever you are.

5. Meditation

Diversion of mind, lessening stress and getting rid of negative thoughts are the fundamentals that help in curbing bulimia. Meditation is a wonderful preventive method for controlling the occurrence of bulimia. A session of meditation early in the morning or the last thing before going to bed is highly recommended. It soothes the mind, makes it calm, removes stress, relaxes the tensed nerves and helps in the flow of positive energy. Neither do you have to invest money, nor require anybodyโ€™s assistance in preventing bulimia though meditation. You can perform meditation whether at home or while on tour.

6. Socialization

People who are introvert and do not like to socialize much become more vulnerable to this disease. They absorb everything that they come across, without sharing it. Hence, such people suffer from agony, trauma and stress in cases of distressful situations. In the absence of anybody to share their feelings, they start extreme starvation or trash dieting in order to fight these mental pressures. Therefore, a simple change of lifestyle and encouraging socialization will be effective in preventing bulimia. In such a situation, a patient requires the support of the family as well as the community to combat bulimia in its initial stage.

7. Medical consultation

If you suspect that you are prone to bulimia nervosa, you can resist it from getting more severe by getting medical consultation. It has been found that patients who are vulnerable to bulimia have potassium deficiency. Together with it, they suffer from dehydration, dry skin and abnormal heart beat. There is also abnormal secretion of gastric acid which damages the teeth and gums. This preventive measure is recommended for a matured stage of bulimia nervosa. It may involve some expenditure on medical tests and medicines. It is mostly convenient to seek a medical consultation when you are in your town.

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