Bad Breath Prevention

Bad Breath: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Keep the tongue clean

Often, the bad breath problem arises when people neglect taking care of their oral health. By and large, mouth odor starts when decaying food particles and bacteria get stuck somewhere between the teeth. A clean and germ free tongue contributes in warding off bad breath. The halitosis can thus be prevented by regularly brushing and flossing teeth twice a day particularly after meals thereby ensuring that the tongue has been gently brushed as well. People can also benefit from mouthwash which however, emerges as a temporary solution.

2. Chewing helps

Some may find it operose to believe, but chewing can indeed help individuals steer clear of bad breath. Be it fennel seeds, gums or fresh parsley, the action of chewing basically induces saliva to go through and render a pleasant smell. Not only will chewing accelerate the flow of saliva in mouth, but will also keep the mouth cleansed throughout the day. According to a recent analysis on cinnamon-flavored gum, the cinnamon flavored gum incorporates the heavy possibility of fighting the breath odor in mouth.

3. Avoid dry mouth

Xerostomia also known as a dry mouth, can contribute enormously in developing bad breath. To avoid the dry mouth, simply sip water during meals and even throughout the day โ€“ this will enable an individual to keep the halitosis at bay. One can even consider taking xylitol breath freshener regularly as certain studies have shed light on the productโ€™s potent capabilities to lessen cavities. At the same time, try not to consume products that have sugar as they build up plague.

4. Dental checkup

Another significant step in preventing bad breath is visiting the dentist on a regular basis. Thwarting the halitosis is possible when the dental problems such as gum abscesses, tooth decay and abscessed teeth get treated as they take place. One can get their dental examination done and have their teeth and gum checked thoroughly by the dental hygienist.

5. Dental checkup

Another significant step in preventing bad breath is visiting the dentist on a regular basis. Thwarting the halitosis is possible when the dental problems such as gum abscesses, tooth decay and abscessed teeth get treated as they take place. One can get their dental examination done and have their teeth and gum checked thoroughly by the dental hygienist.

6. Give up smoking

Smoking is another major factor that persuades the bad breath situation. Therefore, to prevent odor in mouth, you need to consider quitting smoking โ€“ as this will eliminate bad breath that is caused from the consumption of cigarettes and help you avoid periodontal disease.

7. Drink a lot of water

As we age, we are more likely to get dehydrated. Not many would know but drinking a lot of water helps keep the body healthy and stops the formation of bacteria in mouth.

8. Avoid foods that cause bad breath

If you have observed that there are certain food items that tend to worsen your mouth odor problem, then stop eating them. You can consume foods that help you clean your mouth and back of your tongue. Nonetheless, foods such as carrots and celery are great to keep the problem at bay since they act as a good mouth cleaner.

9. Rinse mouth after meals

Whether itโ€™s out of lethargy or procrastination, people somehow skip on the importance of rinsing their mouth after meals. To avoid halitosis, ensure that you wash your mouth and tongue thoroughly after every meal with water. Cleansing the mouth with water will not only help keep your mouth hydrated, but will also remove food particles that are stuck.

10. Gargle each night

Last but certainly not the least, ascertain that you gargle your mouth at night to avoid bad breath. You can either single out a non alcohol-based, effective mouthwash or go for a 1.5 percent dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. Nevertheless, make sure you wait for sometime after brushing thoroughly as toothpaste ingredients can rule out the functioning and working of these gargles. By gargling, you can seamlessly lessen down bacteria in mouth while reducing the bad breath problem.

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