
Autism: Help, Support and Overcome

Autism Overview

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder of complex neurodevelopment that affects the development of the brain, usually first appearing in children under the age of 3 years. It generally affects the ability of the brain to learn and develop social and linguistic skills which essential for interaction. Autism is generally characterized by social awkwardness, unusual behavior patterns and communication difficulties. The most common of these is called autistic disorder or simply autism, which is found to affect all ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and every age group. It is estimated that six out of every 1,000 children suffer from autism. It is found to be four times as common in males than in females. Autism primarily affects the development of the brain, resulting in marked inability in social situations.


Autistic children display traits such as unresponsiveness to social behavior, like smiling or even their own name, avoiding eye contact, obsessive ordering of toys and lack of language skills. In adults, the disease can have profound effect on their everyday life. Autistic adults often find it harder to make friends with peers, to initiate or sustain a conversation with others, have obsessive insistence on certain routines or rituals, and very narrow areas of interest with an abnormal level of focus. They also tend to display lack of empathy and a tendency to isolate themselves from social contact, often leading solitary and lonely lives. In a few cases, children have been known to recover on their own, while in a few cases it is seen more as a social difference to be accepted rather than a disease to be cured.

Help and Support for Autism

While the exact causes behind autism remain unknown, studies have shown a number of factors could be responsible for the development of this disorder. These include abnormal brain structure or chemistry, excess serotonin (or other neurotransmitters) or even genetic predisposition. It is thought that a combination one or more of these factors could affect brain development in the fetal stage, causing autism.


Diagnosis can be difficult, especially while it is masked by a more obvious handicap or in cases where the affliction is very mild. Questionnaires or other screening instruments may be used to isolate cases after which a comprehensive evaluation, involving a psychologist, neurologist, speech therapists and other specialists familiar with the condition interrogate the child. The key to recovery may lie in early diagnosis.

Overcome Autism

Although there is no cure for autism or other ASDs as yet, some methods to correct the symptoms have shown remarkable improvement. The key to recovery may lie in early diagnosis. A comprehensive program involving appropriate therapy and behavioral intervention tailored to the individual needs of the child is found to be most effective. Skill based training has been seen to improve social and linguistic ability. Severe behavioral problems may require anti-psychotic medication, while seizures may be controlled with anti-convulsive medication. There are also a number of unproven methods available which have no scientific basis. Parents should use caution when adopting such methods and seek the right medical advice.

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